Wednesday, July 29, 2020

WTF Wednesday: FU Cheeto Hitler

Click to enlarge

Look at this sick fuck. Just look at him. This made me see red. I hate him so fucking much.

Here is the URL if you'd like to tell him off too.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Letters from No-One: Happy Birthday J.K. Rowling

Transgender Trend has created a letter to send to the BBC, the Guardian, and the New York Times in honor of J.K. Rowling's birthday. Please follow the link to see and copy the letter to join the cause. 

I emailed them and added this statement at the end of my letter.

My name is Sly. I am a 55-year-old American woman who lives with neurological, physical, and psychological challenges. I have been fighting for equal treatment for all people and for an end to the appalling misogyny that women are subjected to literally since childhood. I was dismayed when I started undergoing puberty, not because I didn't want to be a woman but because I saw the way women are treated. I have been horrified by the misogynistic vitriol that J.K. Rowling has been subjected to, including sexual harassment and death threats, simply for recognizing that women are subject to sex-based discrimination.

 The conflation of sex and gender over the past decade has resulted in terrible harms to the rights that women have been fighting for during the past century and more. Women are being violently silenced for speaking out about sex-based discrimination and are being accused of "transphobia" for realizing that the experiences of transgender women are different than the experiences of those who are born women.

J.K. Rowling does not hate transgender people and neither do I, but both of us are subject to hateful and violent threats for recognizing the erosion of women's rights by a radicalized group of trans rights activists whom the media has capitulated to. J.K. Rowling has been much braver than anyone should have to be, and I honor her for it. It is time that the major media outlets have the courage to stand up for open and rational debate regarding these issues as well.

Sincerely, Sly