Monday, January 2, 2017

Sly Fawkes Opinionated Opinions

Welcome to Sly Fawkes, where the members of Team Netherworld express our sociopolitical opinions. We are politically and religiously liberal. If you are too, you're gonna love us. If not, probably not so much.
We are U.S. based, but we welcome friends from all over the world. You are welcome to share your views on our politics, because what our nation does affects the world. 
You are welcome to commiserate and to (politely) debate.
We are all about positive change.
The current government scares the hell out of us, frankly. They have made America safe for hate and bigotry again. We've got the Clown in Chief, his more intelligent and far scarier second in command, and a whole cabinet full of monsters to make the Queen Xenomorph seem cuddly and lovable. 
I'm Cie, your hostess with the leastest. The leastest money and the leastest hope for the next four years, that is. I'll probably be doing most of the talking, but you'll meet some of my writing sisters and misters along the way. I never liked talking about politics and, until this year, only shared my opinion here and there. I was in no way, for instance, a fan of Mitt Romney, but I didn't talk about him that much.
I talk about what's happening now because...

Yes, I genuinely believe things are that serious.
We can't all be on the front lines, and there are some people whose opinions you won't be able to change. Don't let that get you down. We can keep working for the greater good together.
An organization which I am a part of (although I identify as an agnostic) and which I believe does wonderful work is Faithful America. They are a Christian organization on the front lines of the fight to stop the twisted version of Christianity which wants to turn the United States into a theocracy. Check them out. See what they're about. If you're in agreement with their views, join me in supporting them.
Some people feel that a person like me dislikes Christians or politically conservative viewpoints. I don't dislike people who identify as Christian, and I don't dislike people who identify as conservative. What we have in the White House right now, however, is not conservative, it's reactionary. It's pro-theocracy, anti-choice, and, in my opinion, a toxic Good Ole Boys club. 
Those of us who believe in something better need to fight against that.
I had been expressing my views on my philosophy and spirituality blog, but they were becoming too contentious. I want that blog to be there for discussions of such issues as metaphysics, philosophy and religion. The political discussions were making it a bit too much of a toxic waste dump.
However, I don't want to think of this blog as a toxic waste dump. I want to think of it as a cleaning crew. We expose the bad and try to turn it to good.
Let's do this!

The Real Cie
Crew Leader

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