Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Twitter Kowtows to "Trans Activists." Sly is Not Suprised.

Meghan Murphy, the founder of Feminist Current, has been locked out of her Twitter account for making critical statements about the behaviors of Lisa Kreut, a transgender dominatrix. Ms. Murphy never called for harassment or endangerment of Ms. Kreut, something which radical transgender activists do to radical feminists (and anyone else whom they've branded a TERF) all the time. Yet Twitter seems perfectly okay with tweets calling Ms. Murphy a "TERF cunt." It's almost as if violence against women is okay with Twitter as long as those women don't identify as transgender.
I haven't had my account shut down because I don't use it that much and, frankly, I mostly use it to poke the bear whenever our beloved Lord Dampnut says something stupid. 
Okay, I do use it at least a couple of times a month. However, although I'm not a heavy user, I get accused of "spreading TERF ideology" whenever I retweet something that is critical of the extreme trans activist agenda.
These people don't listen when I say that I don't have an issue with transgender people, that I approach people from an above the neck perspective. I really don't care what's going on below the waist. But I do have problems with giving kids hormones that are going to permanently change their bodies, I do have problems with referring to people as "menstruators" and with foolish ideas such as terms like "mother" and "clitoris" being "violence against trans women." I have problems with statements which call for violence against women, such as "punch a TERF." 
I have problems with people being completely unwilling to examine their brain-dead agenda. They want a scapegoat and are angry that the bad old Feminazis--excuse me, TERFS, are fighting against being their scapegoat. How dare we not want to be doxxed, threatened, beat up, or called vile names. How dare we not know our place.
If you sling the term "TERF" about without considering that it has become a call for violence regardless of what its original intent may have been, then perhaps you need to take a close look at your agenda. Does disagreeing with someone really make it okay to promote violence against that person?
Again, Ms. Murphy was locked out of her account for tweets which, while controversial, were not violent in nature. The following tweet, however, is deemed acceptable by Twitter. Yes, I do have a problem with that, and I have a problem with the fact that people who deem themselves "good people" are not willing to examine their use of a term which is a call for violence.
Anyone can be branded a "TERF" regardless of whether they actually want harm to come to transgender people or whether they are simply critical of certain aspects of identity politics or gender norms. Since TERF is a call to violence, why do these "good people" not have a problem with this?

~Sly Has Spoken~

Graphic copyright juliahenze

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Caregiving Techniques: Slide Sheet + Sly Speaks: Devalued Professions

SMART Slide Sheets, Patient Not Able to Assist

This series of videos from MedCo Technology is helpful for both professional and home caregivers. They offer techniques to minimize the likelihood of injury to the caregiver.
Most injuries in both institutional and home settings happen because the caregiver is rushed. Institutional settings, particularly long-term care facilities, are often understaffed. Many times at-home caregivers are without help and may be caring for other children if the handicapped loved one is a child, or for children as well as an aging parent.
Caregiving tends to be a profession/skill which is devalued. It is seen as something which uneducated people do, and tends to be seen as a “woman’s profession.” “Women’s professions” tend to be paid less well than so-called “men’s professions.”
Modern society will remain mired in misery until people in all walks of life and in the devalued helping professions and situations are seen as worthwhile, contributing members of society, which they, in fact, are.

~Sly Has Spoken~

 Image copyright juliahenze
Purchased from

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Trump Hates the American Public — Here's How He Reveals His Disdain @alternet

Trump Hates the American Public — Here's How He Reveals His Disdain @alternet: He has a billionaire's antipathy for the general good. Donald Trump hates you. But don't take it personally, he hates me, too -- and all of us who constitute The Public. The billionaire's antipathy is not directed at us as individuals, but as users of publicly provided services -- such as schools, parks, health care, buses, collective bargaining, libraries and environmental protections. From his privileged perspective, all of that is welfare, nothing but an expensive waste that puts burdensome taxes and annoying regulatory constraints on the entrepreneurial creative class, i.e., him.