Monday, December 14, 2020

The Unfunny Woke Joke


The following is my response to an excellent post by Carrie-Anne Brown about authors and publishers in the YA genre capitulating to the Wokescolds.

Agree 1000%. I am so sick of the Wokerati invading every aspect of people's lives. They are so toxic and hostile. Sometimes I think that if I see pronouns in one more person's bio, I'm going to scream. My pronouns happen to be f**k/off.

The Wokies vehemently attacked J.K. Rowling, accusing her of transphobia, for speaking in defense of Maya Forstater, a female academic who was also accused of transphobia. Rowling also had the audacity to point out that women, aka the adult human female kind, are the people who have periods. "Menstruators" is horribly demeaning, and saying "menstruating people" is ridiculous, when there is only one kind of person who menstruates: the female kind. Many of Rowling's attackers made death and rape threats. 

Rowling has never said that she hates trans people. In fact, she has said that she would stand with them against anyone threatening their well-being or rights.

You probably already know all this. 

I have to keep separate Twitter accounts, one for my business and writing pursuits, and another where I can express my political views. 

Joe McCarthy would be so proud of the Woke, don't you think?

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Same Old Spell: A Feminist Choka


Free use image copyright Javier Rodriguez on Pixabay

Translation: we always have to recreate a tongue that shows respect for the woman if we walked for a moment in her shoes we would feel indignant

the magic has gone
from the soulless holy days
nothing is special

remember childhood
when holidays were magic
the veil was thinner

at midnight we heard
the spirit of the season
singing lullaby

now what goes between
disdain in each eye contact
when strangers first meet

no magic words now
can't compensate for the hate
fear of the unknown

like our ancestors
demand self-deprecation
from every woman

measuring her worth
based on the size of her hips
is misogyny

aura of the past
surrounding the present time
fertile ground for hate

new wokeness seems
it's the same misogyny
with a fresh accent

will we ever wake
will truth see the light of day
blowing in the wind


Hate has many faces, all of them ugly. This poem addresses the ways in which the misogyny that distressed me as a young girl, inspiring me to secretly declare myself a feminist when I was eight years old, is alive and well today with a new coat of paint. 

Women are no longer expected by society as a whole to live on an allowance doled out by their patronizing husbands while they keep a spotless house, cook a perfect dinner, and populate the world. We are, however, still expected to be helpmeets to men, to not have too many aspirations of our own, to keep our discomfort to ourselves, to capitulate to the demands of others, and to look like a Stepford wife with sex-hungry eyes and the body of a teenage girl who happens to have perfect double d-cup breasts while doing so.

Women who speak up for the needs and rights of women are still threatened with corrective rape and called all manner of humiliating names. These days, these threats are made in the name of "wokeness" and a perverse brand of "inclusivity" that excludes women while calling itself "feminism" and in which women are shouted down for using words to describe our own anatomy and health issues or for using words such as "mother" or "breastfeeding." Meanwhile, nobody seems to have a problem with the word "father," or with anyone saying that men get prostate cancer, and men are not expected to share their changing rooms with those with female anatomy for the sake of "inclusivity."

It's a step well backward in the name of progress. I really should not be surprised that women are the ones to suffer under the new woke boss, who just happens to be the same as the old, unwoke boss but is wearing a hip new suit and drinking a fair-trade latte while he tweets out profanity-laced pejoratives to the "transphobic" cunts who dare to question why we can't say the word "woman" when talking about women's health and who take issue with the idea of sharing our changing rooms with a bearded man with meat and veg fully intact. Women who wish to have a female caregiver or health care provider for intimate care or invasive examinations are labeled hateful and told that we are "weaponizing our trauma."

Those who have been smart enough to avoid Twitter (I was for a long time, but, unfortunately, the book reviews and promotions necessitated me taking it up again) may not be aware of these peculiar developments and think that I am being overly dramatic. Sadly, I am not.

I have become more aware than ever in the past five years that both the right and the left hate women. The right clothes their hate in "family values" and religious doctrine while the left demands that women be "inclusive" and "flexible", by which they mean framing women's issues to include men, all while looking and acting like porn stars 24-7.

And that is the delightful place from which today's happy little verse springs.

the prompts

Word List


Holidays/Holy Days


















Eye Contact

Want more pissed-off feminist poetry? Get it here.

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The Icky, Sticky, Nit-Picky Legalese If You Please (Or Don't Please)

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Monday, September 14, 2020

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

WTF Wednesday: FU Cheeto Hitler

Click to enlarge

Look at this sick fuck. Just look at him. This made me see red. I hate him so fucking much.

Here is the URL if you'd like to tell him off too.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Letters from No-One: Happy Birthday J.K. Rowling

Transgender Trend has created a letter to send to the BBC, the Guardian, and the New York Times in honor of J.K. Rowling's birthday. Please follow the link to see and copy the letter to join the cause. 

I emailed them and added this statement at the end of my letter.

My name is Sly. I am a 55-year-old American woman who lives with neurological, physical, and psychological challenges. I have been fighting for equal treatment for all people and for an end to the appalling misogyny that women are subjected to literally since childhood. I was dismayed when I started undergoing puberty, not because I didn't want to be a woman but because I saw the way women are treated. I have been horrified by the misogynistic vitriol that J.K. Rowling has been subjected to, including sexual harassment and death threats, simply for recognizing that women are subject to sex-based discrimination.

 The conflation of sex and gender over the past decade has resulted in terrible harms to the rights that women have been fighting for during the past century and more. Women are being violently silenced for speaking out about sex-based discrimination and are being accused of "transphobia" for realizing that the experiences of transgender women are different than the experiences of those who are born women.

J.K. Rowling does not hate transgender people and neither do I, but both of us are subject to hateful and violent threats for recognizing the erosion of women's rights by a radicalized group of trans rights activists whom the media has capitulated to. J.K. Rowling has been much braver than anyone should have to be, and I honor her for it. It is time that the major media outlets have the courage to stand up for open and rational debate regarding these issues as well.

Sincerely, Sly

Saturday, June 20, 2020

What Pegman Saw in R'lyeh + Blow Your Stack Saturday + Weekend Writing Warriors

Image found at Yanni's Inner Sanctum

While the battle for the souls of all sentient beings raged silently in the background of the lives of those too busy to even know whether or not they had a soul, Pegman dove deep into the South Pacific Ocean until he reached the nightmare corpse-city of R'lyeh. Pegman recalled the words from his friend H.P. Lovecraft's tale, "The Nameless City."

“That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die."

"Howard, you had no way of knowing how your words would impact the generations to come," Pegman thought as he reached the green, slimy vaults where dead Cthulhu waits dreaming. "You believed yourself to be a meaningless and forgettable man when you were anything but. You had the power to see and record incomprehensible and terrible truths. Oh, you gave credence to some ludicrous and unpleasant beliefs when you were alive, but this was driven by your fear of the unknown.

"Sadly, people in this time seem incapable of recognizing another's faults with compassion rather than disdain and see only your errors in judgment born of your strange circumstances rather than your better qualities. I wonder if it is possible for humanity to discriminate between right and wrong action without resorting to disdain or outright hatred in every case. As Martin Luther King said following the assassination of Malcolm X: 'we haven’t learned to disagree without being violently disagreeable.'"

~Cie for Naughty Netherworld Press~

Ornery Owl
Free use image from Pixabay by Open Clipart Vectors
Fat. Ornery. Nerdy. Basically me as an owl.

Sly Fawkes, my politically-minded alter-ego
Image copyright Julia Henze purchased from

What Pegman Saw is the creation of J. Hardy Carroll, who has stepped down as the host the Pegman blog hop, but you should check out his other work.
The logo was created by me using a stock image at

This graphic was created by me at using one of their stock images.
It is free to use, no credit required.

And now, the notes!
Cthulhu and R'lyeh are the creations of H.P. Lovecraft (1890 - 1937). They appear in his story "The Call of Cthulhu," first published in the June 1928 issue of Weird Tales.

The Nameless City is a short story by H.P. Lovecraft. It was first published in the November 1921 issue of The Wolverine.

The quote by Martin Luther King (1929 - 1968) comes from a press conference held 24 February 1965 following the assassination of Malcolm X (1925 - 1965). 

I was 9 days old at the time of this press conference.

 I was sad to see that J. Hardy Carroll will no longer be hosting the Pegman blog hop, but I certainly understand needing to take a step back from one project to focus on others. I made the decision a couple of months ago to dramatically restructure my blogging process and, let's be real, it's been a rough ride. 

I am unofficially adopting Pegman. I don't have the organizational skills or the energy to run a proper blog hop, but the Pegster has become an integral part of my world, so he will continue to appear here and I will always give credit to J. Hardy Carroll with a link to his blog. Visit him here.

I am no longer adhering to the 150-word rule that is traditional for Pegman prompts. Instead, I am adhering to the Weekend Writing Warriors eight to ten sentence rule. For the foreseeable future, I will be sharing my Pegman stories with Weekend Writing Warriors because I am working on numerous projects and my ADHD brain has a tendency to complicate things. So, we'll keep this part simple-ish. That being said, the notes will include Shameless Self-Promotion of my projects for Shameless Self-Promotion Saturday. However, Self-Promotion Saturday is being pre-empted today to accommodate a special broadcast from Blow Your Stack Saturday.

This piece went in a much different direction than I originally intended. I was going to have Pegman pay a visit to R'lyeh and maybe have a chat with Cthulhu, but then I remembered reading a post on Facebook where people were railing about what a horrible transphobic transphobe J.K. Rowling is, and, of course, someone had to jump on the "I Hate H.P. Lovecraft" bandwagon, stating that they "love the writing but hate the writer."

I have a lot of trepidation about doing what I'm about to do because I'm a very shy person with a high level of social anxiety who hates conflict. However, there comes a time when one must speak one's mind, and I'm about to speak mine for better or worse, knowing that it's probably going to be worse.

J.K. Rowling did not say that she hates transgender people. She said that women experience sex-based oppression. She denounced the use of dehumanizing terms such as "menstruators" and refuted the frankly ludicrous idea that people can literally change their sex. The conflation of sex and gender in recent years has led to a myriad of misunderstandings and a lot of unnecessary vitriol. 

Sex and gender are not the same things. A few radicalized trans rights activists started touting the erroneous idea that "biological sex is a social construct," and a plethora of W0KE souls wanting to prove that they are up in the now and super-duper not transphobic (unlike those transphobes who believe in equality and tolerance for everyone including trans people but know that biological sex is an empirical reality) jumped on that misdirected bandwagon. One can utilize medical treatments such as hormone therapy and surgery to alter their secondary sex characteristics to more closely resemble the sex that they identify with. One cannot, however, literally change one's biological sex. This statement is not hateful, it is simply a fact. 

I live with my son and a housemate who identifies as a transgender woman. My housemate comes from extreme poverty and was living in her car. She has not had any surgery or hormone treatments and does not dress in "women's clothing." She is a friend of my son's whom he met on Discord. When she introduced herself to me, she said "you can call me Sally, or you can call me Kevin, whichever you're more comfortable with."

I have no problem calling my housemate Sally or using the pronoun "her" when speaking of my housemate. My housemate knows that she is biologically male. There is really no reason why this should ever come up, except in cases where medical treatment is necessary. There are certain medications that are helpful to males but harmful to females and vice-versa. Further, medical personnel caring for a transgender person would need to have this information in order to avoid potentially devastating drug interactions if the transgender person is receiving hormone therapy. 

I am a gender-critical feminist, and this earns me a lot of hate on social media.  I get called names like "TERF c**t" and told that I should be raped or murdered.  (TERF stands for "trans-exclusionary radical feminist.") There are people who say that being gender-critical is "transphobic." There are also transgender people who are gender-critical, and they get hate and death threats heaped on them too. This includes transgender activists such as transman Buck Angel and transwoman Miranda Yardley, two intelligent and thoughtful people whose work I greatly admire.

For further evidence of the violent rhetoric directed at women who disagree with the radical "trans rights activist" agenda, check out This collection of screenshots showcases the misogynistic hostility that women who have been found guilty of wrong-think are subjected to. 

Here is what being gender-critical means to me.

I do not think that anyone should have to change their personality to fit their biological sex. I do not think that a man should have to act stereotypically "macho" or a woman should have to present herself in a stereotypically "ladylike" fashion. I think that if a man likes to wear dresses, put on makeup, and call himself Sarah, it's all good. Or if a woman wants to wear her hair short, dress in straight-leg jeans and cowboy boots with a white t-shirt, fix trucks and call herself Jimbo, that's perfectly fine. I will refer to Sarah as she and Jimbo as he if that is what they would like me to do. 

I also do not think that anyone should feel that they have to take hormones or have surgery to take on desired secondary sex characteristics. I have extreme trepidation about these measures being employed in the cases of those who have not yet reached adulthood. The idea that a girl who likes blue, prefers to wear trousers rather than dresses, and enjoys playing with trucks and building things is "actually a boy" or that a boy who likes pink, enjoys dressing up as a princess, and enjoys playing with dolls is "actually a girl" is regressive and destructive. 

To sum things up, this is what being gender-critical means.

This is the wicked set of beliefs that many women, including J.K. Rowling, are being subjected to rape and death threats for espousing. There are numerous men and trans women who have told J.K. Rowling to suck their dick because they are offended by her beliefs. These words are sexualized threats directed at a woman who has dared to disagree with the screed that a very vocal minority has insisted that she must parrot or risk being silenced in a violent fashion.

Now, you may be wondering at this point what the hell any of this has to do with H.P. Lovecraft, who died in 1937.

H.P. Lovecraft and J.K. Rowling have more in common than being authors who use their first and middle initials in their bylines. Cancel culture prescribes that both of them are too problematic to exist. They and everything that they have ever spoken, thought, or created should be erased. For their Thoughtcrimes, they should become Unpersons.

(Thoughtcrime and Unperson are terms coined by British author George Orwell (1903 - 1950), appearing in his dystopian novel 1984.)

I realize that Lovecraft had xenophobic beliefs. I neither defend nor adhere to those beliefs. However, I do not deem it necessary to express hatred for him in order to prove that I am W0KE so I can obtain my Get Out of Cancel Culture Free card. 

I feel compassion for Lovecraft as a fellow tortured soul while refuting his xenophobic ideas. Lovecraft was raised in very peculiar circumstances and had a crippling fear of the unknown. Those who came to know him over the years describe a kind and gracious although deeply troubled man.

"I Am Providence" by S.T. Joshi is a well-written biography of H.P. Lovecraft. I recommend it highly.

In order to create a better world, we need to move away from the current trend of name-calling and thought policing. When fighting monsters, we need to be mindful of our own actions to ensure that we don't become monsters ourselves. We need to learn how to disagree without becoming violently disagreeable.


The Icky, Sticky, Nit-Picky Legalese, if You Please (Or Don't Please)

Content copyright 2020 by Naughty Netherworld Press

Reblogging is acceptable on platforms that allow it. LBRY’s reblog function is called repost, which makes things confusing since reposting is considered a no-no on most platforms. It’s fine to share the post using the repost function on LBRY. It is not okay to copy-paste the material into a new post.

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Quoting portions of the post for educational or review purposes is acceptable if proper credit is given.

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Friday, June 5, 2020

I miss...

I miss the days when Twitter was mostly pictures of animals and food. I also miss when my country was mostly an ok place that needed a little work, not Rome burning while Orange Nero fiddles his thumbs with yet another Twitter tantrum. Please, do the right thing and dump the Bunker Bitch on November 3.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Old Man Trump

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Fans Of Lord Of The Rings Fight For Coin After J.K. Rowling Twitter Fiasco - SATIRE

Fans Of Lord Of The Rings Fight For Coin After J.K. Rowling Twitter Fiasco - SATIRE: J.K. Rowling doesn't get it when it comes to Bitcoin. It's Okay. There's still Tolkien This just in: Lord of the Rings fans launch J.R.R. TOKEN in revolt of J.K.'s lack of understanding of Bitcoin. In a drunken misstep on Twitter, the famous magic t...

And now, a bit of fun, which is something we could all use more of.

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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Sly's WTF Wednesday: More TRA Co-Opting of LGB Organizations

Image by Pexels from Pixabay
This one identifies as a rosebush. It prefers the pronouns rosebud and roseself

Holy cow! it transphobic to say "holy cow" these days? How do I know the cow doesn't identify as a bull, or maybe even a horse?

When did things start getting so convoluted? Whatever happened to just not being a dick?

I think I first noticed this sort of rhetoric creeping in about 10-12 years ago. I knew a handful of trans people. I didn't have a problem with them. They were just trying to get along and live their life. I couldn't imagine how hard it must be to feel like you were born as the wrong sex and to be misunderstood by everyone. I thought, why make their lives even harder by being awful to them? They don't deserve that.

Now there's a big push towards transing gender nonconforming (I kind of hate that term but can't think of a better one) youth. When I was a youngster, I got branded a "tomboy" and hated that word. I would tell people "my name isn't Tom, and I'm not a boy." I was a girl who liked running and climbing trees, and I liked playing with trucks and dolls equally well. When I did wear dresses, I always wore shorts under them so I could still run and play.

These days, I feel like groups like the ones mentioned in the Transgender Trend post would try to push a girl like me to accept that she's "really a boy" and needs to transition, thus creating a lifelong medical patient.

Transitioning should not be encouraged right out of the gate, or, at all, really. 

Another difference these days is that people seem to believe that a person can actually change their sex. In the past, people understood that surgery and hormones were used to make a person's appearance more masculine or more feminine, but nobody believed that people could actually change sex.

While I am compassionate towards people who have gender dysphoria and I prefer to treat people respectfully with regards to their chosen pronouns, at this point the trans rights activists sound a lot like flat earthers. 

"The earth is flat. It is!"

"Trans women are women! I mean like, actual biological women. How dare you give me the side-eye, you TERF!"

What a mess.

~Sly Has Spoken~

Royalty-free image copyright Julia Henze, purchased from

Monday, May 18, 2020

Sly Likes: Feminist Poetry from H. Hennenburg

Image by Dimitris Vetsikas from Pixabay

The statue depicts Dame Millicent Fawcett (11 June 1847 – 5 August 1929), an iconic British feminist.

Today I encountered a thought-provoking poem entitled The Shape of Water. It was written by H. Hennenburg in 1998.

"But do you know that a woman's voice will change the world slowly? Light will creep in where she unburdens her heart."

This poem inspired a train of thought for me.

It makes me think of a line from the song by Ten Years After.

"I'd love to change the world but  I don't know what to do. So I leave it up to you."

Then there's another song that comes to mind, this one by Ani DiFranco.

"I am not a pretty girl, that is not what I do."

Here I am, a woman who sees the ways in which we could be kinder to one another and make the world a better place. But since I am a strange old bird and not pretty at all, I have a hard time making myself heard. The world doesn't tend to listen to women who look like me.

Then again, they don't tend to listen to the women that men fall all over themselves to get next to either.

~Sly Has Spoken~

Royalty-free image copyright Julia Henze. Purchased from

Sly Fawkes is your ornery old Aunt Cie's snarky political alter-ego.

The Icky, Sticky, Nit-Picky Legalese, if You Please (Or Don't Please)

Content copyright 2020 by Cara Hartley

Please do not repost

Reblogging is acceptable on platforms that allow it.

Sharing a link to the post is acceptable.

Quoting portions of the post for educational or review purposes is acceptable if proper credit is given.

Don't Wait, Resonate! (Free for Five Days)

Buy it Here:

If you're sick to death of this damn pandemic...

If you're pissed as hell at the bullshit storm unleashed on a daily basis by Cheeto Twitler, the Megalomaniac Moron in Chief...

Why wait? Grab a copy of this pissed-off poetry volume and commiserate!

Best of all, it's yours for the amazing price of free from May 20 through May 24, 2020.

Some like it snarky, especially when it comes to politics and particularly when it comes to the spray-tanned parasite occupying the White House.

But for some, snarky doesn't go far enough. 

This book takes it all the way to scathing. 

If that's the way you like your tea, get it FREE from May 20th to May 24th.

Support independent snark today. Granted, it's no stimulus check, but it's a book with a bite to inspire you to keep up the fight. Get yours!

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Lesser-Known Symptoms of PTSD, and Why the Borderline Personality Disorder Diagnosis is Crap

It doesn't, actually. it creates scar tissue.
Free Use image by Alexas Fotos.

This is a good post. One of the things I like to talk about is the theory (which I believe is correct) that "borderline personality disorder," a label that is applied disproportionately to girls and women, is a subtype of PTSD. Everyone labeled with "borderline personality disorder" has a history of trauma. Their behavior doesn't come out of nowhere.

It took me forty years to realize that the main reason behind a lot of the acting out I did in high school was the fact that I had been assaulted by a creepy guy that I agreed to go on a date with. This was 1980, and back then, it wasn't considered sexual assault if there was no intercourse. Without going into details, what this 19-year-old guy did to my 15-year-old self was clearly sexual assault. I kept it hidden and blamed myself for not fighting back harder and for being stupid enough to go out with him in the first place. I knew nobody would take my side and would blame me.

I started cutting class, cutting myself, and doing a lot of drugs. Rather than anyone asking me if anything had happened to me, all I ever heard was "you used to be a good kid and now you're a bad kid. You need to straighten up and fly right." Surprise, surprise, at sixteen I was labeled a "hysterical neurotic" by one of the most inept clowns of a psychiatrist that I've ever had the displeasure of meeting. I was later given the equally useless label "borderline personality disorder." 

"Borderline personality disorder" is the modern "hysterical neurotic." It is a way of writing off girls and women who are acting out because of trauma. It is a label that needs to be retired.

If you're interested in reading the piece that I wrote about the traumatic incident, the link will follow. Fair warning that it isn't pretty and it doesn't have a happy ending.

Ornery and Sly
Telling it Like it Is

Ornery Owl
Free Use Image by Open Clipart Vectors on Pixabay

Sly Fawkes
Image copyright Julia Henze, purchased from

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Tweet, You Sinners! 2020-04-30 (Part 2 of 2)

Tweet, You Sinners! 2020-04-30 (Part 2 of 2): TRIGGER WARNINGS: Homophobia, false accusations of mental disorders, false accusations of bestiality, rape apologia, strong language, Ken tweeting about sodomy a few thousand times. 

Ye gods, these people are odious. The Fundies wonder why nobody likes them. They are hateful and disgusting. If Heaven is full of the likes of them, who would want to go there? Apart from being odious, they’re also dumb as dirt. 
Also, anyone who uses “autistic” or any other neurological or psychological condition as an insulting adjective is straight-up trash. 
I think an NSFW version of the author’s books is appropriate. These slimeballs should be exposed uncensored for their despicable ways. 
I certainly couldn’t fault him for blocking these Christofacists. One can only endure just so much logic-impaired hate before it starts to wear on the psyche. 
His responses to them are far cleverer than mine would be. I would have said “oh, eff off you despicable twotwaffle” many tweets ago. 

Monday, April 27, 2020

Ornery Poetry + Sly Rhymes: The More Things Change (Part 2)

Image by Tibor Janosi Mozes from Pixabay

The more things change, the more they stay shitty
The words of the Orange Dolt ain't pretty
He talks like a clown
Spewing his foolishness 'round
Proving his brain is just itty bitty

~sly has spoken~

Image purchased from
Copyright Julia Henze

NaPoWriMo: Write a review poem of something that doesn't usually get reviewed. Well, it's a review poem anyway. I give this particular subject terrible reviews all the time. Every time I fart, it's a review of what I think of his shitty performance.

April PAD Challenge: Write a change poem. Boy, do we need a change before Vice-Admiral Shitbrain sinks not only his own ship but the whole goddamn fleet with his egotistical ineptitude.

I'm keeping it simple today and just having fun, letting my snarky, politically inclined alter-ego, Sly Fawkes, take the reins. This poem isn't anywhere near good enough to share on any of my subscription platforms.

I'm using this poem for my debut on Something For the Weekend, Sir, to be published on May 3, 2020. If you enjoy discussing poets and poetry, stop by. They may not want me back after this one!

If you enjoy my work, please click here to find out how you can support me. One of the easiest suggestions pays you and me both!

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Riffin' on Jim: Poetry of the Netherworld Remix in the Style of James Schuyler, Sort Of

James Schuyler
James Schuyler (1923 - 1991)

Image from the Poetry Foundation page

This poetic remix exercise takes the titles of all poems written for this month's challenges and roughly reworks them into the style of James Schuyler's poem, Sweet Romanian Tongue.

Drew down the COVID-19 curse on broken-down America
The stench of time breaking down a corpse
We cannot sail away on the asphalt sea
Some prefer to hide in sleepy little towns
Why do we follow a lunatic down the road to hell?
I harbor a secret wish that there are better days ahead
Yet the masque of the Orange Idiot may prevail
Too many fall into his trap
Steve Mnuchin, such a waspish twit, it makes me weep
I think I will head to Mr. Lovecraft's madcap zoo
Perhaps I have fallen into a time-leak mousetrap
Will we all fall victim to the word that destroys
As fools with brains full of love in bloom for Trump
Refuse to get their news elsewhere away from Fox
We are unable to hide beneath a lead umbrella
As everything rages out of control like a fire from a cigarette dropped in dry grass
The spirit of the wood hides in pitchy night
Staring at the damage, there is no taking it back
"Why would you let this be your legacy, America?" it queried
"I wish this miserable red mess would wake to a blue dream."
The last, best, chosen one went on speaking nonsense
The spirit of the wood wrote a Sedoka for a lost world
"These are the happiest days of our lives," the orange despot bellowed
Wagging tarnished silver tongue as the wind lifted his piss-blond hair
I wrote a message to my past self, an impotent warning
"I give you a gift wrapped in horror," it read.
"Although I fear that my words may be lost in translation."
"The people made a troublesome choice," I warned her.
my diseased and dying body smelling of wet cigarettes
"Will Mark's train come to collect me in the pitchy night?" I wondered.
"Will social distancing save us?
Or will we all wind up lying dead in a field of rotting pumpkins
As the crows and vultures pick the sun-dried flesh from our bones?"
Content coyright 2020 by Cara Hartley
Please do not repost
Reblogging is acceptable on platforms that allow it.
Sharing a link to the poem is acceptable.
Quoting portions of the poem for educational or review purposes is acceptable if proper credit is given.
NaPoWriMo: Use a long poem by James Schuyler as a guidepost for your poem
April PAD Challenge: Write a remix poem
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If you appreciate my poetry, please consider picking up a copy of my first published poetry volume, Another Autumn.

Rotting Pumpkin Sestina by Sly Fawkes

Image copyright Deedster on Pixabay
This snarky Sestina is composed by Aunt Cie's snarkastic pundit alter-ego, Sly Fawkes.
with a brain like the inside of a rotting
pumpkin, Dear Leader 45 takes the stage
spouting out misleading misinformation
telling his audience to mainline Clorox
"It will kill the coronavirus," he says
"You just change the pH balance of your blood"
never mind that he knows nothing about blood
please ignore the fact that his mind is rotting
or that he is just a ham who loves the stage
spreading deadly lies and misinformation
you'll die shooting up an I.V. of Clorox
you should not ever trust what Pumpkinhead says
our Dear Leader with rotting pumpkin brains says
he thinks you should inject bleach in your blood
to make the coronavirus start rotting
please do not concern yourself about the stage
leading to death from his misinformation
coronavirus is not cured by Clorox
you can wash dirty laundry using Clorox
please pay attention to what the label says
do not go injecting Clorox in your blood
for if you do, then you will soon be rotting
death can be anticipated at the stage
following Pumpkinhead's misinformation
a four-year onslaught of misinformation
the White House needs a good cleaning with Clorox
and since we can't trust what the red leader says
we need an injection of blue in the blood
this once-great country from within is rotting
get the pumpkin-headed ham off of the stage
hopefully, we have come to the final stage
of daily ranting and misinformation
clean up the rotting pumpkin stains with Clorox
and really hear the words each candidate says
we can't let their charisma poison our blood
scandal addiction leaves our country rotting
a scrubbing with Clorox
may relieve the rotting
it's time to clear the stage
~sly has spoken~
what does the fox say
Royalty-free image copyright Julia Henze purchased from
Content coyright 2020 by Cara Hartley
Please do not repost
Reblogging is acceptable on platforms that allow it.
Sharing a link to the poem is acceptable.
Quoting portions of the poem for educational or review purposes is acceptable if proper credit is given.
NaPoWriMo: Write a poem about a fruit. I was initially going to compare Cheeto Stalin to the Annoying Orange but decided that a rotting pumpkin was more appropriate. 
A pumpkin is, in fact, a fruit. Here is a fun page that explains why.
April PAD Challenge: Write a nature poem. I may have done the reverse of this because the Rotting Pumpkin-Head in chief is utterly unnatural.
This work is cross-posted in these places: