Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Sly's WTF Wednesday: More TRA Co-Opting of LGB Organizations

Image by Pexels from Pixabay
This one identifies as a rosebush. It prefers the pronouns rosebud and roseself

Holy cow! it transphobic to say "holy cow" these days? How do I know the cow doesn't identify as a bull, or maybe even a horse?

When did things start getting so convoluted? Whatever happened to just not being a dick?

I think I first noticed this sort of rhetoric creeping in about 10-12 years ago. I knew a handful of trans people. I didn't have a problem with them. They were just trying to get along and live their life. I couldn't imagine how hard it must be to feel like you were born as the wrong sex and to be misunderstood by everyone. I thought, why make their lives even harder by being awful to them? They don't deserve that.

Now there's a big push towards transing gender nonconforming (I kind of hate that term but can't think of a better one) youth. When I was a youngster, I got branded a "tomboy" and hated that word. I would tell people "my name isn't Tom, and I'm not a boy." I was a girl who liked running and climbing trees, and I liked playing with trucks and dolls equally well. When I did wear dresses, I always wore shorts under them so I could still run and play.

These days, I feel like groups like the ones mentioned in the Transgender Trend post would try to push a girl like me to accept that she's "really a boy" and needs to transition, thus creating a lifelong medical patient.

Transitioning should not be encouraged right out of the gate, or, at all, really. 

Another difference these days is that people seem to believe that a person can actually change their sex. In the past, people understood that surgery and hormones were used to make a person's appearance more masculine or more feminine, but nobody believed that people could actually change sex.

While I am compassionate towards people who have gender dysphoria and I prefer to treat people respectfully with regards to their chosen pronouns, at this point the trans rights activists sound a lot like flat earthers. 

"The earth is flat. It is!"

"Trans women are women! I mean like, actual biological women. How dare you give me the side-eye, you TERF!"

What a mess.

~Sly Has Spoken~

Royalty-free image copyright Julia Henze, purchased from

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