Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Whose Interests Does the Early Transitioning of Children Really Serve?

As a gender critical feminist, I find the statement "we gender really early" appalling. I honestly think Susie Green, the founder of the Mermaids charity has Munchhausen by Proxy or at least a really unhealthy obsession with transgenderism, and her transgender daughter Jazz is the victim of Susie's obsession. 
Physically transitioning children early on by giving them puberty blockers creates a person dependent on aggressive medical interventions for life. I cannot fathom why any parent would wish this for their child.
Patriarchy says: you must change your personality to fit your sex.
TRA's say: you must change your sex to fit your personality.
Both the patriarchy and the TRA's exhibit homophobic behaviors. The patriarchy offers "conversion therapy" and "praying away the gay."
The TRA's encourage transitioning so a lesbian can become a straight guy or a gay guy can become a straight woman. 
Gender critical feminism, on the other hand, says that there is nothing wrong with being an "effeminate" or gay guy, or a "masculine" woman or lesbian.
Yet gender critical feminists are the villains.
I do not hate people who choose to transition. Far from it. However, we do have to be able to acknowledge that giving puberty blockers to children is questionable and may not indeed be in their best interests, and that we need to be working on accepting people as they are rather than encouraging them to become something else and, thereby, become a permanent patient, often at a very young age.

~Sly Has Spoken~

Image copyright juliahenze

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