Friday, October 25, 2019

Carpe Diem Solo No Renga + Haiku My Heart + OctPoWriMo 2019: Day 25: White

Image by David Mark from Pixabay

This is a poem about my dislike of the fur industry and disdain for those who wear fur as a fashion accessory. It is not pretty, so you may not care to read it.

why do some wish to
stain the white snow red with blood
to steal the white fur?

why do some wish to
stain the white snow red with blood
to steal the white fur?
profit their motivation
their souls are dead within them

why do some wish to
subject the innocent to 
their cold-hearted whims?
the cries of the dying fall
on deaf ears and decayed hearts

stain the white snow red
to line their pockets with gold
all for fashion's sake
fur lovely on the living
becomes ugly with carnage

to steal the white fur
go with clubs and guns and traps
animals in cages
not out of necessity
strictly a status symbol

strictly for profit
from the wealthy and heartless
wear their victim's pain
the beautiful fur adorns
the carcass now lies bloody

souls are dead within
the heartless social climbers
who wear their victims
as adornments draped over
their unfeeling carcasses


image copyright juliahenze
Cie's activist alter-ego Sly Fawkes has been on a tear the past couple of days.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

OctPoWriMo 2019: Day 24: Breathe the Poison

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

Surrender to the charismatic
Greedy, self-serving lies
Of those who would empower
Themselves by climbing upon
The backs of the downtrodden
Who will work for nothing for the rest of their lives

Let yourselves be hypnotized
By the siren song of a life glamorized
By the throbbing club music of the pied piper
Who tells you all you have to do is trust in him
You will wonder what you ever did without him
He is not a self-serving psychopath at all

He is soma for the masses of disenfranchised
Overworked and unappreciated
Ripe for his lies
You too can have fame and glory
If you just breathe deeply of the toxins released
By the Cult of Personality


Image copyright juliahenze
Another one from the persistently nasty mind of Sly Fawkes, professional dissenter

Did I already share this song?
Here it is again.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Sly's WTF Wednesday: Clearly We are Fucking Doomed

The daily paper at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) has issued a disclaimer in deference to the transgender community with a recent article preemptively apologizing for saying women menstruate. ~ 

From the article posted in The Daily Caller News Foundation, July 22, 2015, by reporter Blake Neff

Barrett, Ruth. Female Erasure: What You Need To Know About Gender Politics War On Women, the Female Sex and Human Rights (p. 272). Tidal Time Publishing, LLC. Kindle Edition.

The more I saw of crap like this, the more the cracks started to show in the TRA agenda and the blinding light of TRA misogyny poured through.
For years, I blindly supported the TRA agenda, apologizing for being a "cis" woman, calling myself a "cis" woman, parroting "trans women are women," scolding radical feminists who refused to kowtow to TRA demands. 
Then came terms like "non-men," "menstruators," and "non-prostate-havers."
Then came the realization that you never see signs proclaiming that "trans men are men."
Then came the realization that use of neutral biological terms like clitoris, vagina, vulva, and uterus were being called "violence against trans women." (What???)
Then I saw the TRA Cult for what it was.
The same old MRA Misogyny covered in glitter.
And on that day, I hit Peak Trans.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Where the Wild Things Were: Perfect gift for women, girls and parents.

Where the Wild Things Were: Perfect gift for women, girls and parents.: I've just discovered the existence of the 4th estate publishing  and so quite by accident discovered the very wonderful Chimamanda Ngozi...

This does sound like my kind of book. I began (quietly) identifying as a feminist back in 1973 when I was eight years old. I was tired of the boys being encouraged to pursue whatever struck their fancy while we girls were told we could become secretaries, teachers, or nurses and then eventually meet Prince Charming and become housewives. 

Monday, October 14, 2019

OctPoWriMo 2019: Day 14: Enraged Earth (Choka)

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

the giver of life
will no longer sustain us
if we continue
to destroy all of nature
she will not nurture
but will lash out in fury


Friday, October 11, 2019

OctPoWriMo 2019: Day 11: Silence the Dissenting Bitches

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

in the echo chamber
chamber at the center
center of the chaos
chaos when you enter

the noise of your mindless mind
mind that you mind your p's and q's, bitches
bitches submit to the muzzle
muzzle the dissenting witches

gag them from the first unwanted kiss
kiss, just kiss, move on her like a bitch
bitch don't want it, what the bitch want don't matter
matter one iota if you get to scratch your itch

no respect for women, you can do anything
anything you want so long as you're a star
star in your own movie in your narcissistic head
head right off to prison and be a star behind bars

~Sly Has Spoken~

This eviscerating verse was snarled out by Cie's badly behaved radical harridan alter-ego, Sly Fawkes, who wishes to remind you of the following words spoken by Emperor Commodus Trump and caught on tape. Sly is thrilled that The Humiliation of the American People appears to be going down in flames, and she has popcorn, hot dogs, and marshmallows ready to roast over the impeachment inferno.

“I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married.”

“I did try and fuck her. She was married.”

“Just kiss. I don’t even wait. When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”

“Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”

Image copyright juliahenze

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Naming Women

As Prometheus stole fire from the gods, so feminists will have to steal the power of naming from men.
--Andrea Dworkin
From Pornography: Men Possessing Women

Barrett, Ruth. Female Erasure: What You Need To Know About Gender Politics War On Women, the Female Sex and Human Rights (p. 213). Tidal Time Publishing, LLC. Kindle Edition. 

Friday, October 4, 2019

OctPoWriMo 2019: Day 4: Gilded Cage

Image by cocoparisienne from Pixabay

A cage
Whether silver, gold, or platinum
Or wrought iron
Is still a cage

Do not follow
The edicts of charismatic cons
Do not strive to become
What others have told you that you must be

Do not wait on a messiah
Who may be centuries away
Or a boogeyman conjured
To keep people compliant

Only you can set you free

Do not let what advertisers tell you
You must be in order to be "beautiful"
Keep you locked away
Closed off from the world

Don't let the quest for silver and gold
Trap you in a crate of greed
Until your need for wealth
Becomes more a coffin than a birdcage

Only you can set you free


Song Inspiration:

The Rise of the Transgender Cult in the Age of the Internet

Today’s mainstream media, celebrity media, and trans-queer subculture media, all of it heavily laden with click-driven advertising and behavioral metrics, is repackaging medical transgenderism as simply a matter of choice, having nothing to do with a mental disorder, and definitely not worth exploring in the noninvasive therapeutic modalities that address the psychological realms of American culture.

Today’s high-tech media culture virtually silences dissent, edits historical and ecological reality, and increasingly relies on the internet as its central source of intelligence and social norms.

Barrett, Ruth. Female Erasure: What You Need To Know About Gender Politics War On Women, the Female Sex and Human Rights (p. 100). Tidal Time Publishing, LLC. Kindle Edition.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

OctPoWriMo 2019: Day 3: Aunt Cie's Soapbox: Leave My Old Womb Alone (Choka)

Image by Solarus from Pixabay

lay off my old womb
I am not a candidate
for new motherhood
I can no longer achieve
reproduction, no
but it would not bring me joy
to endure the pain
of removing my old womb
it is my life choice
to keep my organs intact
despite a slightly
elevated chance that I
develop cancer
somewhere well on down the line
any womb is not
only worth saving when it
is available
to serve as incubator


The poem references the incidents of 2018 when my life continued revolving around my uterus despite the fact that the painful periods I had endured for 40 years had come to an end. In April of 2017, and again in April of 2018, I experienced post-menopausal bleeding, and in June of 2018, I underwent a D&C to determine the nature of the endometrial cells.
Had the cells been abnormal or the endometrial hyperplasia complex, this would have elevated my risk of future endometrial cancer by 36%, in which case I would have opted for a hysterectomy.
My cells were normal and it was simple hyperplasia. This only increases the risk of endometrial cancer by 1.6%. In the end, I felt that the risks posed by undergoing a hysterectomy, which is a major surgery no matter how casual a spin doctors try to put on it, were greater than opting for a wait and see approach. 
Post-menopausal endometrial hyperplasia can occur for a variety of reasons. It is more common in Caucasian women, in women over fifty, in women with a larger body type, and in diabetic women. I am a large Caucasian woman over fifty with a large body type who has diabetes. As it turned out, I also had a number of small fibroids in my uterus which were probably irritating the endometrium and causing it to overgrow.
My primary care physician wanted me to have a hysterectomy.
My OB/GYN wanted me to have a hysterectomy.
The gynecologic oncologist whom I consulted wanted me to have a hysterectomy.
This despite the fact that all of them quoted a very low increased likelihood of the type of hyperplasia I was experiencing ever developing into cancer.
I had one of those obnoxious trans-vaginal ultrasounds in February of this year which showed that the endometrial lining was still slightly thicker than normal but had greatly reduced in size and was within the perimeters of acceptable. I did not experience bleeding in April of this year. My OB/GYN wanted to do another D&C, but I said no. There was no presenting reason to undergo a procedure that leaves me feeling like someone has been up in my business with a cheese grater.
I consulted with a radiologist who specializes in a procedure called uterine artery embolization, which utilizes tiny radioactive grains to block the uterine arteries and cut off the blood supply to the fibroids so they shrink and cease to cause trouble. As opposed to a hysterectomy, which is a major surgery, this is a minimally invasive approach. The doctor told me I was not a candidate for the procedure because fibroids will shrink on their own after menopause, but she agreed with me that since I had not experienced post-menopausal bleeding this year, the endometrial thickness is within acceptable boundaries, and my hyperplasia is the low-risk variety for future development of cancer, a wait and see approach makes sense in my case. She discussed this with my OB/GYN and the gynecologic oncologist, and they agreed with her.
During The Year Of Focusing Way Too Much On My Uterus, I learned just how quick doctors are to recommend a hysterectomy to post-menopausal women. If a woman can no longer serve as a baby factory, let's just yank the old plumbing out, risks be damned. The fact is, major surgery is always risky although sometimes the risks of surgery are necessary. It is also a fact that the female reproductive system provides benefits to its owner even after menopause and unless it is malfunctioning in a way that makes life unacceptably uncomfortable or poses risks to a woman's health, it's best to leave it alone.
Uterus: it's not just for incubating infants. 
That's been Aunt Cie's Soapbox, Ladies! Hysterectomy is sometimes necessary, but it tends to be overprescribed, particularly in post-menopausal women.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Gender Lies

Gender is a step backward toward the old saw that men and women are equally oppressed. And that’s just not true, it's one of many ploys used to maintain male power.

Barrett, Ruth. Female Erasure: What You Need To Know About Gender Politics War On Women, the Female Sex and Human Rights (p. 26). Tidal Time Publishing, LLC. Kindle Edition.