Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Sly Says: You Can't Fix Stupid

The following is a transcript from a rant on Tumblr inspired by a couple of ignorant idiots. Said idiots' names have been changed because I don't feel the need to have them attacked. They're probably too stupid to educate anyway.

Tweedle Dumb:
I hate feminists because I hate supremacists of all types.

Tweedle Derp:

Sly Says: (from
What in the actual hell are you smoking?
My guess is that you have never encountered the sorts of problems that feminism has worked to correct over the years.
Perhaps you are unaware that women still make 70 cents for every dollar that men make on average.
Perhaps it doesn’t bother you that the average woman in the United States not only has to work a full time job plus take care of the majority of the household duties.
Perhaps it doesn’t bother you that women are in danger of losing all the rights that teh ebil, ebil feminists have worked for under the misogynist regime of the puppet president Lord Dampnut and his handlers.
In any case, your statement is either woefully naive or willfully ignorant. You would do well to educate yourself. 
Feminism is not “female supremacy.” That is a load of crap spread by MRA’s, a group of “men” threatened by the idea of women being treated as equals, helped along by ignorant children on forums like Tumblr who simply don’t know what the hell they’re talking about.
Feminism is, very simply, “a range of political movementsideologies, and social movements that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve political, economic, personal, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment.”
If you are against that, then you are a person with whom I hope never to associate. 
If it is being a supremacist to desire equal treatment and equal opportunities for women, then a supremacist I am.
Merciful Heaven, the fact that I still have to explain this shit in the twenty-first century gives me one hell of a headache.
Reblogged to my Supernatural fandom blog:

I replied to this bullshit on my Sly’s Free Speech Space tumblr and unfollowed the person who had reposted it in the first place as fast as I could.
I just can’t even.
Of course if you look at the URL of the OP, (which was in the form of Classic Rock Band Dude One Luvs Classic Rock Band Dude Two) you may recognize the “C0ckles mindset,” that is, shipping a couple of men that they think look hawt together is the main driving force in their life. Never mind that neither of the men that this one is shipping look anything like the images of them from thirty years ago any more. (insert eyeroll) Or that they are not involved with each other that way.
I don’t usually bother commenting on shit from tumblrs by teenagers who have no fucking idea what they’re talking about (apologies to the teenagers who aren’t like this), but as someone who started seeing the need for the feminist movement as far back as when I was 8 years old, no joke, I despise bullshit like this, likely coming from a privileged teenage girl who has benefited from the work done by women in the feminist movement. 
Girls in sports? Thank the feminist movement. Women in politics? That’s the feminist movement. All the cool kick-ass female characters? You can thank the feminist movement for that.
Perhaps girls like this would like to go back to a time when women weren’t allowed to vote, when we were considered to be the property of our fathers and then our husbands, when our choices for careers (before marrying) were teacher, nurse, or secretary. I for one would not like that, and will fight tooth and nail to keep it from ever becoming that way again.
But hey, as long as you can ship a couple of guys who look sexxiii together, who needs that stinky ole feminism anyways?

~Sly Has Spoken~


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