Saturday, October 13, 2018

OctPoWriMo 2018: Day 13: National Disgrace

Being kind is
What everyone should do
Do you?
You do not
Not do right
Right is might
Might you consider
Consider the absolute
Absolute power
Power corrupts
Corrupts when misused
Misused to abuse
Abuse those you see
See as less
Less than nothing
Nothing is what
What you discover
Discover within 
Within your rotten
Rotten, shriveled heart
Heart hard as stone
Stone over graves
Graves of those
Those who died
Died in vain
Vain sacrifice
Sacrifice for what
What but ambition
Ambition of soulless
Soulless rich men
Men who don't care
Care for anything
Anything but money
Money to buy
Buy the best tomb
Tomb to commemorate
Commemorate their lives
Lives full of lies
Lies always bellowing 
Bellowing forth
Forth from your mouth
Mouth always open
Open like a sewer
Sewer spewing waste
Waste of words
Words of deception
Deception of the masses
Masses left wanting

~Sly Has Spoken~

Written by Cie's civic-minded alter-ego, Sly Fawkes.
Dedicated to the crook in the White House

Image copyright juliahenze