Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Sly's WTF Wednesday: Can we PLEASE Stop Pretending Prostitution is Empowering and Transing is Perfectly Normal

The graphics are from Peak Trans Moments, and this story is VERY graphic. Do not read if you have a weak stomach.

Former nurse here.

This individual (the transgender prostitute) is severely damaged goods, allowing themselves to be used as a cum dumpster. What kind of sick fucking predatory freak would want to stick their dick into an ileostomy stoma? What the actual fuck?

Some people are so completely morally bankrupt. It’s as if there is nothing human about them anymore. Complete and utter disdain for those they would stick their dick into, which often means women. It is no compliment if one of these nasty-ass men says he wants to fuck you.

I feel bad for the person this damaged individual latched onto. I feel bad for the damaged individual thinking it’s okay to be treated like garbage this way. Now, can we PLEASE stop pretending that prostitution is “empowering” and that there isn’t anything awry in the psyche of a person who wants to identify as the opposite sex? Something made them dysphoric. We should be trying to understand it, but we should not be humoring people who obviously have serious mental health issues. This doesn’t help anyone.

~Sly Has Spoken~

Image copyright juliahenze

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Real Cie Reviews: Wyrm's Warning

Note to Sly's Feminist Book Reviews readers:
This novelette is not specifically targeted as a feminist story, but I have chosen to share it for a couple of reasons.
First, the heroine is a realistic young woman who has to endure terrible behavior by awful, entitled men with very little chance of being able to retaliate. She lives in a feudal society where women are seen as property to be done with as males see fit. There is no respect at all for women and girls, but the heroine, Tala, still manages to shine, not because of superhuman abilities but because of a genuine strength of character.
Second, the author is genuinely thoughtful in his writing of female characters. His motivation is not lurid or prurient. He manages to both realistically portray the wretched way that girls and women were treated in medieval society and to create a heroine who shines without being a Strong Female trope. Although the story was not written with the intent of being a feminist story, it contains feminist elements and is respectful to its female characters.

Rating: 5 of 5 stars

The following is a duplicate of my review on Amazon and Goodreads for this novelette.

The author really knows how to get inside his characters' heads and describe their motivation. Unlike many male authors writing a female character, he doesn't linger on unnecessary descriptions of her anatomy. Tala is an ordinary young woman who lives in a time and place where women are treated as objects to be done with as males see fit. She faces manhandling by the old woodsman whom she is attempting to assist, and worse from the realm's boorish prince and corrupt priest.

One night while leaving the old woodsman's cottage, Tala is attacked by an unknown creature and mysterious changes begin to take place in her life, subjecting her to moments of terror and rage as she tries to comprehend what is happening.

Tala is a brave and level-headed young woman who faces truly awful situations both from the supernatural realm and the natural world in which she resides. Although there are uncomfortable scenes in this story with regards to men's treatment of women and girls as sex objects to be used as a man sees fit, these scenes are never gratuitous or unnecessarily explicit. 

There are jokes about male authors writing women in an overly sexualized fashion. Michael J. Allen manages to avoid being on the receiving end of the joke by writing his female characters with empathy rather than salacity.

I finished this story in one afternoon. It is a compelling page-turner.


Monday, July 29, 2019

Letter by Tavistock Clinicians Suppressed by The Guardian

This letter sent to The Guardian by Tavistock clinicians concerned with the health risks that come with transing children was never published. The Guardian, like other mainstream media, is afraid of upsetting their masters, the TRA cult.

Read the letter at Transgender Trend, a group committed to exposing the TRA lies and harms.

My guess is the main reason girls want to or are pushed to transition is not wanting to be treated the way girls and women in modern society are treated. I know I didn't want to be. I secretly started identifying as a feminist when I was eight years old. I was labeled a "tomboy," which I hated. I would always say: "my name isn't Tom, and I'm not a boy."

The concept of "penis envy" made me see red. During my prepubescent years, the only thing I thought a penis would be useful for was being able to stand up to pee and not have to drop my trousers and crouch behind a tree when my family and I went hiking, risking being seen by a passerby or getting poison ivy on my butt.

Once I hit puberty and started my period, a hell which would continue every 3-4 weeks for the next 40 years, I would joke that I wanted to turn into a fabulous gay dude every week until my period was done. His name would be Karl, and somehow, even though I was a dumpy, frumpy, very plain Jane, Karl would be beautiful and amazing and all the guys would want him. I wasn't serious about this, I just hated my period.

These days, I'm quite sure I would have been pushed to transition, even though if I was asked I would have affirmed that I was perfectly fine with being female, it's simply that I hate how girls are treated.

~Sly Has Spoken~

Image copyright juliahenze

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Sly's Feminist Book Club: The Emergence of the Movement Lesbian

I intend to review this book myself. However, I have not done so yet. I am currently reading "From Liberty to Magnolia," which is the autobiography of Janice Ellis and details her struggles both as a black girl growing up in the racist Southern United States prior to the Civil Rights Movement and her work within both the Civil Rights and Feminist movements.

In the meantime, please read this well-written review of the featured book. This is my response:

A lot of people don't remember or don't realize just how difficult it was for gay people in times past. The 1990s was when I first started seeing acceptance by the general public and the idea that homosexuality was not deviant or a form of mental illness began to take hold.
As both women and homosexuals, lesbians have faced extreme backlash. There is an unspoken expectation that women will become wives and mothers, the organizers of the husband's household and the producers of the next generation. Like all women, lesbians are objectified in pornographic scenarios. Stereotypes still exist that all lesbian couples consist of a butch "husband" and a femme "wife". Lesbians still struggle with not being seen as people.
I feel very passionate about the subject matter in this book. Although I am not a lesbian myself, I am a feminist and an ally. Lesbians continue to be scapegoated today in many of the same ways they were scapegoated in the past.
Thank you for this well-written review of an important scholarly work which is likely to be overlooked by the general public.

This was my comment on the Book of the Day's Facebook page:
A lot of people don't remember that homosexuality was once widely considered to be "deviant" and a form of mental illness. Lesbians faced double the backlash from both homophobia and sexism.

Women are expected to bear and care for the next generation. Although a lesbian couple is certainly capable of raising a child, the expectation of the general population is that girls will grow up to find and marry their Prince Charming, have 2.5 children with him, and will manage the household. Lesbians receive backlash for disrupting that stereotype.

Further, lesbians are objectified by male pornography, and there continues to be a pervasive idea that all lesbian couples have a butch "husband" and a femme "wife." Books like this are very necessary for breaking down those stereotypes.

Note: some brain trust actually commented that he was "not a fan of lesbians." I refrained from getting into a flame war. I wanted to tell him that I'm not a fan of closed-minded, homophobic bigots.

This was my comment on the book club president's Linked In page:
Although homosexuals overall face less backlash in Western society than they did in times past, lesbians face not only homophobic but sexist backlash.

Lesbians are objectified in pornography which is made for men. They are stereotyped by the belief that a lesbian couple is supposed to have a butch "husband" and a femme "wife." Further, although a lesbian couple is perfectly capable of raising a child, lesbians defy the expectation that little girls are supposed to grow up, find their Prince Charming, have 2.5 children with him, and manage the family's household in the suburbs. "Are you sure you just haven't met the right man yet" is a phrase that many lesbians are still subjected to.

I'm always pleased when books like this one are featured. It has historical value and also addresses a problem which continues to plague society, although it is less prevalent and more covert than it was in the past.

~Sly Has Spoken~

Image copyright juliahenze

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Sly's Feminist Fiction Showcase: Ugly: Secrets

Copyright Ross Findon via Unsplash

Content Warning: Adult themes. Although this post contains no explicit depictions of sex, it does contain a brief mention of female genitalia using medically accurate terminology and a brief allusion to a sex act. If you find such material offensive, please do not read this post.

Raakel walked into the abandoned hospital building and down a flight of stairs to the basement. She wasn't really sure where she was going, but she felt that she had plenty of time to explore.

Although the basement was dark, Raakel could see everything. She looked in the employee break room and in the women's and men's locker areas, wondering exactly what she expected to find.

One of the men had taped a pornographic picture in his locker. A young Caucasian woman with bleached blonde hair and a heavily made-up face sat in a chair, her legs spread wide, leaving nothing to the imagination. Her left leg draped over the arm of the chair. One finger of her left hand covered her clitoris, pointing at her vaginal opening with a red-lacquered nail, while she sucked the index finger of her right hand with pouty scarlet lips, simulating fellatio. Her half-closed eyes with the smoky lids and overdone false eyelashes regarded the camera with an expression of mock desire.

Raakel felt a sudden surge of rage as every incident of rejection she had ever experienced came flooding back. She tore the poster out of the locker and threw it on the floor. She hated to admit the ugly truth even to herself: she secretly despised women who agreed to pose for such pictures because they made things all the more difficult for ordinary women. Men had unrealistic expectations of women as it was, the sluts who posed for pictures like this only heightened those expectations that women should be sex dolls with perfect bodies, spending each and every waking moment dedicating themselves to pleasing their masters.

 As a feminist, Raakel realized that the women posing for the pictures were not necessarily doing so because they truly wished to and that the pictures were altered to remove any perceived imperfections the model might possess, such as scars, blemishes, stretch marks, cellulite, or fat rolls. The woman in the poster she'd torn down might well have agreed to pose for the picture so she could make the rent money. She may even have had children whom she needed to provide for. She really wasn't the one to blame. Raakel hated the ugly secret prejudice she harbored and resolved to be kinder.

"We can't make a change by blaming women," Raakel reminded herself. "We need to start holding men responsible for their half-baked, impossible, and frankly ridiculous beliefs about what women are supposed to be."

"Some men are certainly pigs."

Raakel gave a start and gasped with surprise. A diminutive older man wearing a blue jacket, dark gray cargo pants, worker's shoes, and a knit cap stood before a doorway. Shaggy gray-brown hair poked out from beneath the cap, forming a veil over the man's eyes and brushing his collar. There was an orange neon sign above the door spelling out the word "change."

"My name is Vespasian Adomaitis," the man introduced himself. 

"I'm Raakel Viborg. You have my attention," Raakel replied, feeling foolish the instant she said it. 

The man smiled and gave a nervous chuckle.

"Oh, well, good! Always better to have another's attention when you have something to say, don't you find? Please, come in, won't you? I'll fix us a cup of tea."

Gem Moondreamer
Nikki Lee
Thalia Graves
The Real Cie

Prompts Used:

This is a chapter from Team Netherworld's sadly neglected WIP, Ugly, which is part of The Yadira Chronicles. It is the story of Raakel Viborg, an Upir, and her companion, Vespasian Adomaitis. We haven't quite decided what Vespasian is yet. He could be an angel, a ghost, or some sort of revenant, including an Upir. It's still up in the air.

The "Trans" Label Offers a Ticket To Ride for Creepy Men

Jonathan/Jessica Yaniv: A pervert no matter how ze identifies

"Township of Langley halts “all bodies swim” for LGBT youth proposed by Jessica Yaniv, who suggested that the event allow attendees to go “topless” and prohibit parents and caretakers from attending."
Well, nothing fishy there. Nope, perfectly normal for a skeevy adult to invite a bunch of adolescents to go for a topless swim, no parents allowed. Just good, clean, Kweer fun!
Why is this obvious pedophile not incarcerated?
I asked the same thing about R. Kelly for years. With R. Kelly, the explanation was his status as a rich and powerful man. I imagine the explanation with JY is the fact that everyone is leery of questioning the Trans Cult for fear of being labeled "transphobic." Its as if society has given creeps like JY free Teflon armor and free reign to engage in whatever perverted activities they desire.
If JY was just your garden-variety "cis" male, he would probably at least have been questioned by the police by now and would have been shunned and ostracized by the average person. But because he has applied the "trans" label to himself, he is "brave and misunderstood" rather than being seen as what he really is: a sociopath and a predator fixated on pre-pubescent girls.

~Sly Has Spoken~

Image copyright juliahenze

Friday, July 26, 2019

Exposure to Porn and PTSD in Girls and Women

Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

This post may be a bit of a hodgepodge. Bear with me.
The following are comments on a post at Feminist Current regarding PTSD in female adolescents caused by repeated exposure to online pornography. Comments from The Real Cie are my thoughts.
People with mental illness as a whole are being let down by the mental health system.
People with PTSD are being let down by the mental health system.
Women and girls are being let down by the mental health system.
The mental health system needs to be overhauled. However, in a society where people with disabilities are made pariahs and forced into poverty and health care is placed out of reach for many people, I don't foresee changes coming anytime soon.

Pet peeve time:
The word "womxxn" makes my eyes go crossed and my brain go stabby. There are no "womxxn". There are only women. Stop doing this!

minor correction: Bessel van der Kolk is male.
This is such an important subject. I spend way too much time online because I'm isolated 

due to disability and trauma, and I have to say it's actually helped me with some things, 

but it's never the same as healthy in-person relationships. Unfortunately most of us live in large

 cities where it's hard to connect with people. I think we are going to have to redesign cities so 

they are more people friendly, less car-friendly, both in terms of urban design and in terms of 

social structures, so people can connect with more people irl.

That might help with preventing online trauma, but unfortunately, that won't help with trauma

 in the family, which pushes some of us online. I watched a TED video recently (
Watch the video

by Nadine Burke Harris, who talked about ACE scores and how revolutionary it is to know that 

adverse childhood experiences contribute so much to physical health down the road, but when it 

comes to public response, crickets. People find trauma too hard to talk about. I lost my family 

because people find trauma too hard to talk about, so they'd rather push me out than deal with it. 

I guess that's where people who can deal with trauma need to step up.


"I'm isolated due to disability and trauma."
Me too. People like us are very vulnerable, and I'm fully aware that no-one gives a flying shit.

You know the stages of grief charts.
I would really like one made for womxxn with ptsd.

    • Avatar


      Unless the PTSD is addressed and worked on, I don't know that there are stages for it other than "acute" and "always there fucking up your life forever." 
    • Anyway, those are the two stages I've experienced with it, and addressing and working on it isn't as easy as it sounds when there are monetary and other barriers to finding a therapist. When it comes to therapists, I've had bad experiences and don't trust them damn crooked vultures. I've also found that there is a lot of sexism in therapy and often women's trauma is written off as "female hysteria."

    • " Studies increasingly show that the way young people consume social media, 24/7, is not only leading them to feel less socially connected, but also leading them to decreased mental wellness. "

      I'd agree with this.

      But as the father of a teenage girl who spends much of her life online, I don't necessarily think it's the sexualisation and pornification of the internet that is the biggest problem.

      Online bullying ( mentioned only in passing in this article ) is perhaps a bigger problem. And the feeling that everyone else is ' living their best life ' ( as the expression goes ) while you may be suffering from issues of self-esteem and/or worthlessness, or lack of direction... is perhaps a bigger problem still.

      I've already agreed on previous threads that young people have too much access to porn, and that it's warping their views on sexuality. I have no intention of revisiting that argument now. And I'm not saying that online porn is not a problem.

      But this article seems to be suggesting that it's the main reason why the internet is causing young teens mental health problems. And I don't think that's true.


    Since you've made it clear that you enjoy porn and believe that full legalization of prostitution is a positive thing, I doubt you can possibly understand how porn can very negatively impact a young woman even if she is never drawn into it herself.

    My father never treated me as a sex object (thankfully) but he had plenty of adult magazines around. I don't think the early Playboys had a negative impact. Early Playboy had art nudes as opposed to lurid pictures of young women fully spread-eagled and either leering at the camera or looking like a deer in the headlights.

    My father's attitudes towards porn made me realize quite early on that all men, even good men like my father, see women as nothing but pieces of ass. It was upsetting, discouraging, and led me to realize that my father would side with creepy men over me, whom I became aware he saw as a second-class citizen. He may not have been aware of this himself, but he did see me and all women that way.

    My father would always talk about women in terms of their physical appearance, not their accomplishments. Even as an adult, it was discouraging to me when he referred to Winona Ryder as "that plainest of plain Janes". Being quite a plain Jane myself, it cemented for me that my father saw women as things, not people.

    I hope you will at least try to be a little careful of how you present your attitudes regarding women where your daughter is concerned. You may not realize it, but she is probably well aware that her father sees women as objects. You may be a good father in other regards, and I hope I am right in the belief that you do not sexually objectify your daughter. However, a man's attitude towards the objectification of women can have a lifelong impact on his female children. Your attitudes towards porn may be harming your daughter more than you realize.

    Wednesday, July 24, 2019

    New Feature Coming Soon: Sly's Feminist Book Review

    Image by Dariusz Sankowski from Pixabay

    Since reviewing books is a big part of what I do, it struck me that I really should be reviewing books important to the radical feminist perspective here on this blog.
    Not all of the books I review will necessarily be focused on feminist activism. At times I might review a book where the focus is general politics, or a critique of the orange horror in the White House, or even a work of fiction. However, you can expect a fair number of books such as the one featured at the bottom of this post, which will, in fact, be the focus of my very first review on this blog!
    If you are an evil gender-critical radfem who also happens to be a writer and you can give me a link to your ebook in the comments, please feel free to do so. I can't guarantee a particular time frame for review and I can't promise a positive review, but I can give you a little exposure. All I ask in return is a link to your review if you like it. 
    Sorry, I'm not in a position to review physical books at this time. I'm in the process of moving and my particular vision issues make reading physical books challenging at this point. Thank you for understanding.

    ~Sly Has Spoken~

    Image copyright juliahenze

    Inexcusable Regardless of Gender Identity

    Sexual predator Jonathan/Jessica Yaniv

    This is a response to an article at Feminist Current by Graham Linehan.

    Even if you are the sort of person who 100% believes that "trans women are women," how do you excuse the predatory behavior of JY towards young girls? Being transgender does not excuse being a child molester. These people are beyond the pale and off the rails.
    Thank you for bringing this story to light. Awful though it is, it needs to be seen. Stories like this need to be seen until even the biggest deniers of reality can't ignore the worst of the worst.
    Granted, some people's ability to deny reality is extremely strong, and it could take a long time.
    A few years back, I was a not-so-young person believing I was protecting the "most vulnerable" by parroting the TRA screed that trans women are women and feminism needs to be inclusive of them. However, once I saw how out of hand the violent "punch a TERF" rhetoric was becoming, I looked deeper and realized that the TRA movement is not about "live and let live." It's about TRAs taking over feminism and silencing women. That cannot be permitted.

    Being transgender does not excuse predatory behavior.
    These are all screenshots of tweets sent by JY, collected by

    I can 1000% say that I never asked a stranger in a bathroom how to put a pad on as a preteen girl. This sick freak is asking these fucked-up questions to get off. Nobody who isn't a fucking predator would be asking this shit.
    Again, regardless of whether one believes that trans women are absolutely 100% women or not even if they still have a penis, how the fuck do you excuse this shit?
    This is a predator.
    Being trans is not a pass for being a predator or any other illegal, fucked-up behavior.

    ~Sly Has Spoken~

    Image copyright juliahenze

    Monday, July 22, 2019

    ContraPoints will change — opinion from a MtF who de-transitioned

    He brings up narcissism, and it strikes me that a lot of TRA’s are extremely narcissistic. They go into a tailspin and become extremely unpleasant whenever anyone expresses an opinion different from their own, whether that person says something literally intolerant such as “transgender people are sick disgusting abominations who are going straight to hell for their deviant behavior” or the person says something dissenting from the belief that there are lady brains and man brains and that instead there are two sexes but gender is on a spectrum. In other words, a person in a male body can present with stereotypically feminine characteristics but still absolutely be a male, and vice versa. Both of these people with differing viewpoints are going to be branded TERFs and quite possibly threatened with statements like “choke on my ladydick” or “I punch terfs.”

    The narrator in the video discusses autogynephilia, a topic which absolutely raises the TRA hackles. Because the topic is forbidden, the issue is misunderstood if it is acknowledged at all. 

    I would surmise that only men can have autogynephilia. I have never heard of a woman getting turned on simply by being a woman, and I really have never heard of a woman getting turned on by thinking of herself as a man. It would seem that most FTM transitioners want to escape the persecution that women face as second-class citizens. They aren’t especially turned on by the idea of themselves with a penis. In other words, if autoandrophilia exists, it is much less common than autogynephilia.

    Returning to the subject of narcissism in TRAs, I have noticed that the transgender women who are rational about the realities of transitioning, i.e., you can’t literally change your sex, you can only change your appearance to more closely resemble that of your preferred sex, tend to be much more humble in their approach. This is not to say that they lack confidence. I think that Miranda Yardley, for instance, is very confident in who she is. However, she displays a much greater emotional maturity than the TRA who insists that if you don’t believe that trans women are literally women and if you think that lesbians should be allowed to choose their sexual partners and their choice of sexual partners does not have to include people with a penis, you are a TERF!!11!!!

    TERF is feminazi covered in glitter. It is a term used to silence women who have the temerity not to agree with the TRA agenda.

    Again, TRAs also like to shut down transgender people who understand biological reality, to shut down detransitioners, and to shut down anyone who refuses to be a good little minion of the TRA cult. 

    I do not have a problem with trans people.

    I have a lot of problems with TRAs.

    I left these thoughts for the narrator:
    Thank you for your insights. It's good to have some rational voices surrounding an issue which has sunk into the mire of groupthink. Anyone who dares question the TRA agenda in any fashion tends to be shouted down. This is a complex issue and demanding black and white thinking is erroneous and, ultimately, harmful to young people who may be questioning their identity. Yours is that rare and welcome voice of reason.

    Drop The T From LGBT

    Drop The T From LGBT: Transgender people have high rates of psychological problems that contribute to their identity expression. The LGBT crowd should ponder that.

    Stop Trying to Correctively Coerce Lesbians into Having Sex with Trans Women

    okay. listen. youre all children apparently so im going to explain this to you like youre in first fucking grade.
    trans people dont want you to fuck them. they arent forcing you to have sex with them, and they understand if you arent sexually attracted to them. what trans people are asking of you is to acknowledge them for who they are.
    what this means is that if you find yourself interested in someone and they turn out to be transgender, you dont be an asshole because theyre transgender. instead of getting angry and using slurs and misgendering them, try saying “oh, sorry, im uncomfortable doing this now” and chances are they will be entirely respectful of your wishes. if they arent, then yell at them all you want, because thats fucked up. however, so long as you are respectful, they will be respectful back.
    when trans people say “its bigoted to say a trans person cant be gay/lesbian” or when they say “its bigoted to say someone isnt gay/lesbian because theyre attracted to transgender people” they mean that its bigoted because, when that kind of thing is said, its implying that you dont believe they are that gender.
    tl;dr: respect trans people and their gender. please. its not difficult. if you dont want to have sex/date a trans person, you dont have to say that aloud or be rude about it.
    thank you and have a wonderful day.
    You’re not forcing us to have sex with anyone but you are trying to change the definition of homosexuality and will call people who don’t play along bigots. Which is pretty fucking rude.
    I have a question. Are biological sex and gender the same thing? Or different things?
    it aint rude to call a bigot a bigot lmfao

    the general concept of being attracted to men or women does not and has never had anything to do with the physical form of their genitals, considering most normal people don’t actually see a person’s genitals before becoming attracted to that person and cis gay people are perfectly capable of enjoying genital shaped sex toys that don’t match their own while still not having a desire to be intimate with an actual person who doesn’t line up with their sexuality in terms of gender

    stop trying to reduce people to a walking set of genitals you freak

    the general concept of being attracted to men or women does not and has never had anything to do with the physical form of their genitals 
    Gee, whatever have homosexuals been stigmatized and reviled for all these centuries?
    considering most normal people don’t actually see a person’s genitals before becoming attracted to that person 
    Most normal people can also tell a female human from a male human at a glance. And most normal people understand that female and male reproductive organs are pretty different.
    Genitals have ABSOLUTELY ALWAYS played a part in sexuality! What are you smoking?!
    Heterosexuality = attraction to the opposite sex
    Bisexuality = attraction to both sexes
    Homosexuality = attraction to the same sex
    Having a sexuality doesn’t reduce people to their genitals, what an awful and condescending thing to say. The point in bringing them up is that straight people and gay people are both only capable of being sexually attracted to one sex. It doesn’t mean they see everyone of that sex as walking genitals, it means that those are the only people who they’re able to be attracted to.
    Straight women are only able to be attracted to males, this doesn’t mean they see them as walking penises lmfao, really telling how this sort of sentiment is always targeted at gay people.
    You know who else implies that gay people are sexual deviants? HOMOPHOBES.
    Hiding behind “trans activism” doesn’t make you any less of a bigot.
    Y'all really love to use the “no one is saying you have to fuck trans people” but then go on to guilt and shame gay people for not being attracted to the opposite sex, regardless of identity. Sexuality isn’t based off social constructs like femininity or masculinity like y'all pretend they are. They are innate aspects of the human condition.
    Stop being HOMOPHOBES.
    Yeah pretty convenient how it’s only gay people who are accused of being “genital fetishists” or “reducing people to their genitals”. 
    It’s madness, and it’s only getting worse.
    I’m reminded of another genderist post about how said genderist went to sleep and dreamed they had short hair and they woke from this terrible dream to feel their beautiful long hair and know they were a woman. Because, after all, hair length makes you a man or a woman.
    I don’t know about the rest of you “genital fetishists,” but I am fully aware that this is a woman:
    (Mia Farrow in Rosemary’s Baby)
    And this is a man:
    (Malcolm Young, 1953 - 2017 Picture circa 2000)
    Myself, I’d be attracted to the one with long hair. It’s not that I find the one with short hair unattractive. It’s not that I find her genitals gross. It’s just that I, as a heterosexual woman, am attracted to the sort of human being who has a penis, aka, a man. But, oddly enough, I’m not looking at his dick, nor even giving it much thought. I’m looking at the shape of his face. The person with the long hair is evidently a man. He doesn’t have to drop trou for that to be obvious.
    It would be really gross for a woman to try and guilt-trip me into having sex with her by suggesting that I hate women if I’m not sexually attracted to people with vaginas.
    It is really gross and stupid to try and guilt-trip women who are attracted to other women, aka lesbians, into having sex with people who have penises, regardless of whether those people identify as women. Just because man, you feel like a woman, it doesn’t mean that women who are exclusively attracted to women should be coerced into having sex with you.
    Also, these people are setting things back to the 1950s with their insistence on rigid gender roles. “Boys have short hair, girls have long hair. Boys wear pants, girls wear dresses. Boys play with trucks, girls play with dolls.” Stop it already!
    Source: anarchist-dog gender critical feminism trans culttra = homophobia TRAs be like