Thursday, July 4, 2019

Sly's Independence Day 2019 Question: Who Are You Supporting?

Next time you decide to support people who spout epithets like "punch a TERF" and "die cis scum," please remember that the person who popularized the term "cis" is Char the Butcher, a white supremacist. 
Not wanting to be affiliated with racists promoting violence is not being "transphobic."
At least think about who you are supporting. 
You are not supporting trans people who are just wanting to live their lives in peace.
You are supporting violent individuals like Char the Butcher.
Read it from top to bottom.
This is not hyperbole. This is a call to violence.
So-called "TERFS" are women. Thus, this is a call for violence against women.
Is this really "woke?"
"But I don't hate trans people."
I don't either, and I supported the TRA agenda until I realized what it was really about. 
It isn't about defending trans people from hate.
It's about promoting the TRA agenda.
A lot of trans people don't approve of the TRA agenda either, but they have been bullied into silence.
The TRAs are trying to take over feminism, and liberal feminists are rolling over begging to play ball with them so they don't look like a bunch of fat, unattractive, hairy-legged meany-mean man-haters.
Like the late Andrea Dworkin, I'm a feminist, and not the fun, sexy kind.
"If my feminism isn't intersectional and supporting this, that, and the other thing, who is it for?"
Feminism is for women.
Feminism does not have to encompass every other group.
We can be supportive of other marginalized groups and not roll them into feminism.
Stop supporting those who are calling for the silencing of women's voices.
Don't parrot calls to violence in the name of being "woke."
Think about what you're saying before you say it.
Think about who is telling you to say it.
This Independence Day, I proclaim that feminism needs to be free from the hateful agenda of TRAs.

~Sly Has Spoken~

Image copyright juliahenze

If my feminism is not for women, who is it for?

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