Sunday, July 7, 2019

Sly Is Peaked

Sly's Peak Trans Moment

My Peak Libfem moment had been coming for a while, but Slutwalk was the straw that broke the camel's back. Like--we're going to get revenge on creepy men by objectifying ourselves...WHAT??? 

My peak trans moment happened when I looked at photos of that display at the SF public library with the t-shirts saying things like "I punch TERFs" and "Die cis scum." I thought "this is a call to violence, and I cannot support this." 

My peak queer moment came with the queer community's defense of DDLG kink.

Let me expand on the above. 
Going "peak trans" does not mean that I hate transgender people or that I think they should be treated as lesser human beings in any way. It means that I refuse to be bullied by the TRA cult any longer. I went along with rhetoric such as "trans women are women" until I realized that the TRAs wanted non-trans women to sit down, shut up, and "choke on my ladydick." TRAs are no different from MRAs. They want women to be silent and subservient, to speak only when spoken to, and only to say "yes, master, I will suck your cock as you command."
In the past, feminists tended to support trans people for the simple reason that both women and trans people are treated as second class citizens and are often objectified and exploited. There was no widespread insistence that lesbians should gladly consent to having sex with pre-op trans women or they are bad, nasty, icky TERFs. There were no ludicrous assertions that trans women are biologically women. 
Previously the thought was: trans people are people too, and they deserve equal rights and fair treatment. Their struggles should be acknowledged. I fully supported that and still do. What I cannot support is this idea that there shall be no questioning, criticism, or debate of any kind, even when it comes to the health and well-being of vulnerable young people. You shut your damn TERF mouth unless it's choking on a ladydick.
Yeah--can't get behind that.
Further, I (and others) notice that one really doesn't see trans men mentioned in this rhetoric. Trans men don't go around carrying signs saying "Trans Men are Men." Trans men are not vocally demanding access to men's changing areas. Trans men are not insisting that terms such as "father," "penis," and "scrotum" are "violence against trans men."
Things that make you go HMMM...
And also form the opinion that TRA = MRA.
The TRA agenda actually harms trans people who only want to live their lives in peace and mean no harm to anyone. I support these people. I don't support the TRA cult. 
That is what I mean by Peak Trans.

DDLG means "daddy dom/little girl" and it's as nasty as it sounds. I do not give one single fuck about "kink shaming." 
Also, notice that there is not a great prevalence of MDLB (which would be mommy dom/little boy).
As long as all participants are consenting adults and no-one is being severely harmed either physically or mentally, I'm not saying this kink should be illegal. I'm just saying that I'm going to give it the side-eye, and I'm not going to cheer it on out of fear that I may be "kink shaming." Fuck that noise.
That is why DDLG was my Peak Queer moment.

I once saw a post on Tumblr which said: "if my feminism is not inclusive and intersectional, then who is it for?"
My answer is this.
My feminism is for women and girls.
Intersectionality is fine, but we have allowed feminism to be co-opted by the TRA Cult in the name of Appearing Inclusive and not wanting to be viewed as Mean, Hairy-Legged, Man-Hating TERFs. 
It's time to take back feminism and make it for women again.

~Sly Has Spoken~

Image Copyright juliahenze

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