Wednesday, May 29, 2019

White Campground Manager Fired After Pulling Gun on Black Couple

White Campground Manager Fired After Pulling Gun on Black Couple: The campground manager in Mississippi was fired after video showing her pulling a gun on a black couple having a picnic went viral on Facebook. | iHeartRadio

Sly's WTF Wednesday: Toddlers with "Gender Dysphoria"

A response to this post on Transgender Trend.

"children “as young as two” can be diagnosed with gender dysphoria"
This is the sort of thing that made me go Peak Trans.
Children as young as two do not THINK about "gender."
If you give a child of two both "boy toys" and "girl toys" they will play with both kinds of toys.
Children of that age are not thinking about their genitals or whether they "identify" as a boy or a girl.
This nonsense is causing irreparable harm to children, and it needs to stop.  
I'd like to say that people need to stop worrying about pissing off the TRA's. Unfortunately, I know that TRAs are very intimidating.
Another factor that made me go Peak Trans is the TRA intimidation tactics. Rather than rational discussion, they encourage violence. "Punch a TERF" and "die cis scum," anyone?
Other things that made me go Peak Trans:
"Sexual dimorphism is a social construct."
Sexual dimorphism is a biological fact. Rigid gender roles are a social construct. Yes, some people are intersexed, and nobody, whether "cis", "trans", or intersexed deserves to be treated with anything less than respect and common decency or to have valid opportunities to have a successful, productive, and pleasant life. 
By insisting that medical personnel deny a person's biological makeup, the possibility for grave medical errors increases, such as the case in which a man--who turned out to be a trans man--turned out to be pregnant and the baby died because the ER staff did not know that the patient they were being presented with had an XX chromosome pattern, and therefore they should be checking to see if pregnancy might be the reason for said person's abdominal pain.
How is it bigotry to ask if a patient is man, woman, trans man, or trans woman? Each of these people presents with different medical needs which must be addressed properly. I guess this makes me a trans-medicalist.
The rest of it aside, the biggest factor in my going peak trans was the treatment of very young "trans" children: children who are too young to know anything about stupid gender roles imposed on them by adults.
Many of the parents of these so-called "trans kids" strike me as having psychological issues, most commonly Munchhausen by Proxy. Having an XX daughter or an XY son is boring and having a gay kid is so 1990s. But if you are the parent of a trans kid, you get to be Truly Extra Special and Brave, never mind that you may be screwing that kid up for life.
This is why I went Peak Trans.

~Sly Has Spoken~

Image copyright juliahenze

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Dudebros Be Like + How Stupid Are Wingnuts: Heavy Makeup = True Beauty

So let's deconstruct how stupid this is. You cherry-pick pictures of heavily made-up young women and place them side by side with pictures of ordinary women who don't have the makeup put on with a trowel. So, according to wing-nut "logic," wearing a crap-ton of makeup must be "true beauty."
Also, Michael Moore (bottom right corner) is not a woman.

~Sly Has Spoken~

Image copyright juliahenze

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

TRA Contradictions

I visited a blog that I started following back when I was trying to be super inclusive and not wanting to risk being seen as transphobic or not progressive in some way. They contradicted themselves right away by saying that they didn't want any anti-feminists following or interacting with them, and then in the next sentence saying that they didn't want any radfems or "truscum" following them. For those who don't know, a truscum is a transgender person who acknowledges that in order to be transgender, one must experience dysphoria. They tend to be critical of identity politics as well. TRA's hate them.
So, in other words, they don't want to interact with anyone who is "anti-feminist," but they don't want to interact with FEMINISTS. Got it!
Also, they support trans people, but not the ones who are rational in any way.
In other words:

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Legalize It

The amazing magic mushroom

For my own part, I say "hell yes!"
My answer may lead readers to think that I must be a rabid Shroom-user, foaming at the mouth for my next trip. 
The truth is, I only used magic mushrooms once, 35 years ago. 
I am for the decriminalization of drugs. Criminalizing substances such as magic mushrooms does more harm than good. 
I am also for eradicating the private prison system. Putting non-violent offenders in jail for drug use, often for longer terms than violent criminals such as rapists and even murderers serve only benefits the corporations who own these prisons. 
Colorado legalized marijuana years ago, and it was a fantastic decision. 
Instead of buying sketchy weed from Danny Dealer or your cousin Pot Head, people can now purchase quality-controlled marijuana products from clean, regulated dispensaries, and the state collects revenue from these establishments.
Substances like marijuana and psilocybin should be treated the same way as alcohol. People need to be adults to purchase these substances, and it should be illegal to drive while under the influence.
I have never understood why either marijuana or psilocybin are categorized as a schedule I drug. Schedule I substances are those which have no medical benefits. Marijuana has ample medical benefits. I use the lowest dose edible (2.5 mg THC combined with 2.5 mg CBD) to help lower eye pressure (I have glaucoma) and to help me sleep. 
I have a lifelong history of insomnia. The low-dose edible acts as a mild sedative. I do not hallucinate or feel "high." I do not sleepwalk or have bizarre dreams as I did when taking Ambien or Lunesta. I don't feel angry for no reason as I do when taking Benadryl. 
Marijuana shrinks certain tumors, helps with nausea in chemotherapy patients, helps prevent seizures, and helps with chronic pain without the side effects of opiates. It is hardly a useless substance.
As the article linked above states, medical researchers have found psilocybin beneficial in reducing anxiety and depression in cancer patients. I worked with the elderly and hospice patients for approximately 25 years of my working life. At this point, the treatment of people at the end of life amounts to keeping them drugged so they sleep all the time. From my own experience with psilocybin, they had mild psychedelic properties. Granted, I only took a small dose. However, I was much more in control and aware of my surroundings than I had been when taking LSD.
A dose of psilocybin could allow a terminally ill patient to remain aware while reducing fear and contributing to a sense of well-being without depressing the central nervous system as severely as narcotic pain medications do.
Psilocybin is a substance with low toxicity and low harm potential. The same cannot be said for the widely prescribed and highly addictive opiates.
Legalize and study psilocybin.
Make marijuana legal on a federal level.
End the privatized prison system. 
Make medical care, including end of life care, better for patients.
Stop the stigma.
Decriminalizing drugs is not the same thing as saying it's okay to spend your life getting high. It's saying let's stop wasting taxpayer dollars and police time on non-violent drug users and instead stop the real criminals. Let us treat addiction as a psychological issue rather than a criminal act.
By the way, psilocybin has a far lower addiction potential than many legal drugs, such as benzodiazepines and opiates.

~Sly Has Spoken~

Image copyright juliahenze

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Sinful Sunday Art Flash: Unmentionable Outtakes from Eden: Lust for Power

Creation from my rib, I tell you now
Of my thoughts on a subtle takeover
I insist that you must not question how
I think that this place needs a makeover
I will prove that I'm not just a rover
The ideal apocalyptic scene
We will enact, as for power I'm keen

The unmentionable thought on your mind
Is your lust for power, it is quite clear
You thoughtlessly would put me in a bind
To achieve your unwholesome delight, dear
Did you expect that I would clap and cheer
Do you always try to seduce a girl
By discussing takeover of the world

~Sly Has Spoken~

Prompts Used:

This caustic rhyme is the brainchild of Cie's outspoken radical feminist alter-ego, Sly Fawkes. It is our attempt at a Rhyme Royal.
Sly can be found on Blogger and Tumblr.

Image copyright juliahenze

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Denise Covey: My May #IWSG post -- Cultural Genocide -- book bur...

Denise Covey: My May #IWSG post -- Cultural Genocide -- book bur...: A tale of book-burning and censorship in Nazi Germany.

I write so much that I hardly have a chance to read unless I'm reviewing a book, but this does sound like a fascinating and important story.
I adhere to the principle that I may utterly disagree with certain things that people have written, but I will defend to the death their right to write it. Censorship is an extremely slippery slope. We have to allow the worst of the worst as well as the cream of the crop.
Further, when odious opinions are censored, they become cloaked in secrecy, which gives them an aura of fascination.
There are those who feel that Hitler's works should be destroyed. To this, I say no. If you really want to understand what made Hitler tick, read what he wrote. Reading the words of a person like Hitler shows that a monster can look like an ordinary person. We must police our own thoughts and impulses to avoid becoming such a monster.

~Sly Has Spoken~