Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Sly's WTF Wednesday: Toddlers with "Gender Dysphoria"

A response to this post on Transgender Trend.

"children “as young as two” can be diagnosed with gender dysphoria"
This is the sort of thing that made me go Peak Trans.
Children as young as two do not THINK about "gender."
If you give a child of two both "boy toys" and "girl toys" they will play with both kinds of toys.
Children of that age are not thinking about their genitals or whether they "identify" as a boy or a girl.
This nonsense is causing irreparable harm to children, and it needs to stop.  
I'd like to say that people need to stop worrying about pissing off the TRA's. Unfortunately, I know that TRAs are very intimidating.
Another factor that made me go Peak Trans is the TRA intimidation tactics. Rather than rational discussion, they encourage violence. "Punch a TERF" and "die cis scum," anyone?
Other things that made me go Peak Trans:
"Sexual dimorphism is a social construct."
Sexual dimorphism is a biological fact. Rigid gender roles are a social construct. Yes, some people are intersexed, and nobody, whether "cis", "trans", or intersexed deserves to be treated with anything less than respect and common decency or to have valid opportunities to have a successful, productive, and pleasant life. 
By insisting that medical personnel deny a person's biological makeup, the possibility for grave medical errors increases, such as the case in which a man--who turned out to be a trans man--turned out to be pregnant and the baby died because the ER staff did not know that the patient they were being presented with had an XX chromosome pattern, and therefore they should be checking to see if pregnancy might be the reason for said person's abdominal pain.
How is it bigotry to ask if a patient is man, woman, trans man, or trans woman? Each of these people presents with different medical needs which must be addressed properly. I guess this makes me a trans-medicalist.
The rest of it aside, the biggest factor in my going peak trans was the treatment of very young "trans" children: children who are too young to know anything about stupid gender roles imposed on them by adults.
Many of the parents of these so-called "trans kids" strike me as having psychological issues, most commonly Munchhausen by Proxy. Having an XX daughter or an XY son is boring and having a gay kid is so 1990s. But if you are the parent of a trans kid, you get to be Truly Extra Special and Brave, never mind that you may be screwing that kid up for life.
This is why I went Peak Trans.

~Sly Has Spoken~

Image copyright juliahenze

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