Sunday, June 30, 2019

Unpacking TRA's

Bullshit 101

It isn't just mean old terfy-terf gender critical radfem bigots who have issues with the TRAs. The NIH does too.
Currently the predominant cultural understanding of male-to-female transsexualism is that all male-to-female (MtF) transsexuals are, essentially, women trapped in men's bodies. This understanding has little scientific basis, however, and is inconsistent with clinical observations. Ray Blanchard has shown that there are two distinct subtypes of MtF transsexuals. Members of one subtype, homosexual transsexuals, are best understood as a type of homosexual male. The other subtype, autogynephilic transsexuals, are motivated by the erotic desire to become women. The persistence of the predominant cultural understanding, while explicable, is damaging to science and to many transsexuals.

The loudest TRAs are always MtF. 
One doesn't hear from trans men a fraction as much as they hear the cries of TRA trans women loudly proclaiming that trans women are women, that words like mother, uterus, and clitoris are violence against trans women while shouting such epithets as "punch a TERF" and "choke on my ladydick."
Trans men are not loudly insisting that men should be referred to as "spermers" or that words like father, penis, and scrotum are violence against trans men. There was that embarrassing "prostate haver" and "non-prostate-haver" bit in Teen Vogue, but I imagine that was written by a libfem trying to appear "woke" to appease the TRAs.
The trans people I've known have not behaved like TRAs. I treated them with kindness and respect and they treated me in kind. 
I do not have a problem with trans people. I have many issues with TRAs, who are not only harming women but other trans people with their behavior.
TRAs behave a lot like MRAs. Both want women to shut up and toe the line.

~Sly Has Spoken~

Image copyright juliahenze

Saturday, June 29, 2019

In Support of Dr. Michele Moore

McCarthyist indeed. 
There is a big push to make every aspect of life, every choice a person makes, gendered. A little girl who likes playing with trucks is certainly a boy. A boy who loves to crochet is certainly a girl.
I became a feminist because I wanted to get away from this sort of narrow-minded thinking and because I was tired of being told what girls can't do.
I was always fine with being a girl. I wasn't always fine with being a girl who likes boys because a lot of the time boys treated me like garbage, but I couldn't change the way I was wired. (I tried.) I was not fine with being told I couldn't be an air force pilot because I have ovaries. (This was in the early 1980s.) I wasn't fine with being told that my only aspirations in life should be to make babies and make sure my husband has a nice hot meal and to make sure that my house looked like a pictorial from Good Housekeeping. 
Feminism was supposed to be an ideology for the advancement of equal opportunities and better treatment for women. I never minded fighting for equal opportunities and better treatment of trans people too. Hell, I was always willing to accept trans people as they were, to call them by their chosen names and to refer to them using their preferred pronouns. I don't know exactly when the feminist movement got co-opted by TRA extremists, but it extremely distressing.
The left needs to stop kowtowing to these violent extremists. That's the only chance we have of stopping them.
I support Dr. Michele Moore in being a voice for vulnerable young people.

~Sly Has Spoken~

Image copyright juliahenze

Friday, June 28, 2019

TERF is a call to violence

TERF is an acronym meant to silence women with dissenting opinions.

I have a big problem with the use of the term "TERF." Specifically, the fact that this term directs violence at women. There is no equivalent term for men who are deemed transphobic. Could not one simply use the term "transphobic" for anyone who was thought to be behaving in such a fashion?
I refuse to use this term. This page contains multiple examples of why it's a problem.
A woman can be branded a "TERF" for any reason from feeling that using puberty blockers on children may be damaging to their future physical health to actually hating transgender people. Keep in mind, it is not men who are being called TERFs. It is not men that statements such as "punch a TERF" are being directed against.
Read the entire page and then tell me you can continue ignoring the multiple calls to violence, the misogyny (calling women "cunts,") and the sexually abusive statements (TERFS can suck my lady-dick.)
Tell me how this is any different than MRA's proclaiming that "feminazis" just "need a good fucking" to straighten them out, that the cure for feminism is beating a bitch until she learns her place, that a feminazi will shut up if she has a dick choking her.
Go on and actually read the page from top to bottom.
This is why I can no longer support the TRA agenda.
"Radfems" are not calling for the death of trans people.
Being misgendered is rude. It isn't going to kill you.
Stomping, kicking, beating or choking people will kill them.
Why is it fine with Twitter for TRAs and their supporters to call women "cunts" and to call for violence against women, including such lovely statements as "set TERFS on fire" but "misgendering" someone is a hate crime that will get you banned from Twitter for life?
Why is everyone falling all over themselves to support these violent extremists?
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I've always been the kind of person who approaches people from the neck up. I'm not going to ask you what's going on below the belt. If you say your name is Salchicha and your pronouns are they/them, I will call you Salchicha and I will try to be respectful of your pronouns. That doesn't bother me.
What does bother me is the fact that now I'm not only supposed to be polite and respectful to transgender people and to join in the fight for their rights to be treated with common decency and to have access to equal opportunity, I am also supposed to drop trou for any one of them who may demand to have sex with me. Even though I really don't like sex very much and really don't want to have sex with anybody. The fact that if I did have sex I would only be attracted to a man in a male body renders me a "disgusting transphobic TERF" who should be set on fire, beaten to death, or forced to suck someone's "lady-dick." 
You might say that I have hang-ups about having sex with people with vaginas or people with feminine breasts, and maybe I do. I have hang-ups around sex in general. Having sexual hangups doesn't mean that I hate people with vaginas or people with feminine breasts. Even only being attracted to men with male bodies doesn't mean that I hate trans people. It's just how I'm wired. 
These sorts of strange and awful assertions led to my going "peak trans."
I am a large person. Large people tend to be reviled in modern society. Trust me, I don't have the men beating down my door, and I tend to be suspicious of any man who does approach me, not only because some men are rapists, but because some men are "chubby chasers." I am a human being. I have no desire to be someone's fetish.
There are men out there who may fully believe that fat people should not be treated like shit and who will speak out against hateful memes and stereotypes of fat people, but when it comes down to the thought of having sex with a fat person, the conditioning that fat people are sexually repellant is too strong. This is a hang-up. If I were interested in a guy and he confessed that he couldn't consider it because he has hang-ups about the idea of having sex with a fat woman, I would be hurt. Depending on how he handled the situation, I might even come to think of him as a douchebag. I would not, however, call for violence against him. 
TERF is a call to violence.
TRA's have gotten away with their violent rhetoric for too long.
They are also eager to silence other trans people who disagree with them in any way.
It is time for the left to stop falling all over themselves to kiss TRA ass.
Rejecting violence is not transphobic, it is civilized.

~Sly Has Spoken~

Image copyright juliahenze

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Yes, Men Can Stop Themselves - Role Reboot

Yes, Men Can Stop Themselves - Role Reboot: We’ve let entire generations of would-be men grow up into spoiled little boys who believe their pleasure surpasses in importance every other earthly concern, including their victims’ existential well-being. If any lasting good comes about thanks to America’s current administration, it won’t be because of their boundless competence or moral fortitude. It will be because …

Monday, June 17, 2019

So Far I'd Be Fine With President Pete

When I hear and see Lord Dampnut, I start swearing and have to refrain from throwing things because everything that comes out of his smarmy pie-hole is abrasive, confrontational, a bald-faced lie, and/or mind-bogglingly stupid. 
Listening to Pete Buttigieg makes me feel like I just smoked a joint.
Granted, it is necessary to analyze where each of the candidates stands on important issues and not make choices based on feelings alone.
All else aside, I can't imagine this man taking to Twitter at all hours of the day to covfefe about witch hunts and fake news while blathering about how the failing (fill in the blank) is telling lies about him, quite possibly while referring to himself in the third person.
Of course, a rabid baboon flinging poop would be preferable to Lord Dampnut. But wouldn't it be nice to have a President who presented as calm, diplomatic, and reasonably intelligent? I've almost forgotten what that's like.

~Sly Has Spoken~

Image copyright juliahenze

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Gender Critical Dad: Sometimes I Should Just Shut Up And Read.

Gender Critical Dad: Sometimes I Should Just Shut Up And Read.: From It's worth going to the page for the accompanying pics. 

Who would want to be a girl when this is how girls are viewed?
Supporting gender stereotypes is not the answer.
Fighting against these archaic views of women is.

Gender Critical Dad: Faith and the Vicious God of Gender

Gender Critical Dad: Faith and the Vicious God of Gender: I have been asked if I really believe there is no such thing as a trans child.

There is a lot of important material in this piece, but this quote sums things up beautifully.

Genderism Is a Faith and It Has a Vicious God. 

Behind the glitter, rainbow, unicorns, pictures of sad-eyed children and slick PR, the god of gender ID is far from benevolent.

Mermaids CEO's Questionable Behavior

I've been TERFed for saying that Susie Green's behavior is questionable. 
The idea that believing pushing puberty blockers on children is "transphobic" is one of the reasons I went from being fully supportive of the TRA agenda to Peak Trans. 
I refuse to toe the line to any totalitarian belief system. 

~Sly Has Spoken~

Image copyright juliahenze

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Medium Is Becoming a Cesspit for TRA's

I used to find Medium an interesting and useful site. A lot of the size acceptance activists post there. These are the people who helped me move from being yet another person caught in the impossible trap of trying to hate myself thin (something I haven't been able to accomplish in a lifetime of trying) to knowing that the multi-billion dollar diet industry thrives on making people hate themselves for "failing" at diets which work long-term for only approximately five percent of people. A lot of mental health writers share their work at Medium as well.
Then Medium became a pay site. One can read three articles per month for free, or pay $5 a month. $5 per month doesn't sound like a lot, but it is when you're living below the poverty level. So, three articles a month it is.
However, these days the Medium Daily Digest email is filled with pretty much nothing but TRA rhetoric, and I have made a pact with myself. Anyone flinging the term TERF around is someone not worth wasting my time on. I was tired of wading through links to TRA posts to find anything good, so I unsubscribed.
TERF is Feminazi covered in glitter. Both are terms used to silence women who don't toe the line. 
TRA's want to erase women.
I will not be erased.

~Sly Has Spoken~

Image copyright juliahenze

Friday, June 14, 2019

The Ninja Librarian: #WEP: A Gilded Cage

The Ninja Librarian: #WEP: A Gilded Cage: Note that the rules have changed a little. Since we now have a posting window that ends on the 3rd Wednesday and we don't sign...

A lot of the time when men murder their entire families, people are shocked and comment on what a "nice guy" he was. Sometimes there is even an implication that the wife pushed him over the edge.
When women kill abusive husbands in self-defense, they are always pigeonholed as unhinged harpies. 
I really don't believe in saying that people "age poorly." We simply age. Some of us have more health problems than others. There tends to be an implication that people bring ill health on themselves. Ill health is a fault in our stars (or our DNA) and often dependent on economic circumstances. People in impoverished circumstances tend to lack access to proper nutrition and medical care.

uniquely maladjusted but fun: Caged Bird #WEPFF Flash Fiction My Terms

uniquely maladjusted but fun: Caged Bird #WEPFF Flash Fiction My Terms: My story is controversial and may contain...

Here is the comment I left for the author of this thought-provoking piece:
Thank you for writing this. With the rulings being made to take away women's reproductive rights in states like Alabama (and with more states trying to follow suit), thought-provoking pieces like this are necessary.
I am one of those people who wouldn't have gotten an abortion under most circumstances (the exception being a severe defect to the fetus) but who would fight to the death for reproductive rights to be upheld.
Several of my more conservative companions were spreading rhetoric on Facebook claiming that the law passed in New York to protect the right to late-term abortions meant that a woman could waltz into a Planned Parenthood clinic a day before she was due to give birth and demand an abortion. I usually stay out of abortion debates but had to chime in on that one and inform them that the law protects women for whom a late-term abortion is a medical necessity. It doesn't mean that someone can have a full-term infant aborted because they decided at the last minute that they don't want the baby.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Troiku Challenge 2019: Day 9: Pink Flowers Bloom

pink flowers in bloom
for the pretty princesses
darling little girls

pink flowers in bloom
pruned and fed fertilizer
twisted and transformed

for the pretty princesses
gifts wrapped in shiny paper
empty box of lies

darling little girls
hide ugly little secrets
not pretty inside


A Senryu in honor of little girls who are taught from a young age that our only real worth is in our ability to be pleasing to the eyes and desires of men.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Sly's WTF Wednesday: Queering the Primary Classroom

A response to this post at Transgender Trend.

Fantastic and terrifying information.
I've always believed in trying the least drastic intervention or treatment for any condition first rather than having a "slash and burn" approach. For instance, what if Bailey, the child making the dresses, is simply a boy who wants to wear dresses? What if Bailey is gay? Why not simply tell Bailey that it's okay to be a boy who wants to make and wear dresses? Why does wanting to make and wear dresses make you a girl?
I am an XX-chromosome heterosexual woman who despises wearing dresses. According to the twisted TRA logic, I must actually be a man because I don't like to wear dresses. After all, wearing dresses is a girly thing, amirite? I don't wear makeup either, never mind that one of the reasons I don't wear makeup is because it causes my eczema to flare up like nobody's business. Yep, totally a dude!
So much of this stuff echoes conversion therapy, except instead of trying to zap the gay out of someone's brain with shock treatments or trying to "pray away the gay," they are telling people that "you aren't gay, you were born into the wrong body. Instead of being a gay guy, you're actually a heterosexual woman who was born into a man's body. Now, all you have to do is sign up for surgery and a lifetime of hormone treatments."

~Sly Has Spoken~

Image copyright juliahenze

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Troiku Challenge 2019: Day 7: Unlocked Fence

unlocked fence
walking towards the countryside
finally free

unlocked fence
will I find freedom outside
or more enslavement

walking towards the countryside
the world outside is alien
imprisoned so long

finally free
no more fences, no more guards
but such a high cost

~Chèvrefeuille & Cie~

I could not help but think of the prison camps of World War II when I saw this image. We must never be allowed to sweep those horrors under the rug because they make us uncomfortable. 
I watched a program about the descendants of some of the leaders involved with the Holocaust. These are good people who want to prevent such a thing from ever happening again. They are not proud of being related to such terrible individuals as their ancestors. 
Rudolf Hess' grandson Rainer said, "if my grandfather were alive, I would kill him myself." 
Hermann Goring's grandniece Bettina and her brother both had themselves voluntarily sterilized.
Amon Goeth's daughter wasn't aware of her father's exact role in the Holocaust until she saw Schindler's List. The realization was so upsetting to her that it caused her to go into shock.
We must remember the Holocaust, and we must not allow other atrocities and mistreatments of our fellow humans to be swept under the rug.
Many people are not aware of the Armenian genocide.
The United States isn't too keen for people to remember that during World War II, people of Japanese ancestry, including those born in the United States, were locked in internment camps.
Think what is happening right now in the United States with migrant children being taken from their parents and locked in detention centers or placed with foster families, some of whom are abusive. Cheeto Hitler denies that any of the blame rests with him when it sits squarely on his lap. And no, I will not apologize for referring to him as Cheeto Hitler.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Thursday, June 6, 2019

1950 Called. They Want Their Dress Codes and Their Labor Minister Back

High heels suck. Let's be real.
You know what sucks even more?
When a man with mothballs between his ears decrees that wearing high heels is "necessary" for women to do their jobs.
If labor minister Takumi Nemoto thinks that high heels are so "appropriate and necessary," let's see him wear them. For a week, even. Let's see what he thinks then.
High heels have been proven to be bad for the foot. They put the foot at an angle which pulls muscles and joints out of alignment. Wearing them for an extended period of time can cause permanent damage.
Both dresses and high heels make women more vulnerable.
Women being ordered to wear dresses and high heels in a business setting stems from an era when women in business were seen as decor with clerical skills. 
It's time to put men like Takumi Nemoto and their mothball-brained ideas about what is "necessary and appropriate" for women on the shelf.

~Sly Has Spoken~

Image copyright juliahenze

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Sly's WTF Wednesday: Tra Targeting of Teens and Children in U.K. Schools

A response to this post on Transgender Trend.

I am quite sure if I were growing up now rather than in the 70's, I would have ended up transitioning and regretted it.
I realized early on that girls were treated as inferior, and it enraged me.
I didn't want to be treated like a girl. I wanted the same opportunities and respect that was given to the boys.
I was always fine with being female. I just didn't like the way girls were talked down to and not allowed to take the cool classes like metal shop. We had to take freaking home ec. I knew how to cook! Learning to weld would have been interesting to me, but I was not allowed on the basis of having ovaries.
So, of course, rather than eradicating crap gender roles which pigeonhole people into certain behaviors, I must have actually been a boy and should have been given puberty blockers.
Which would not have messed me up even more than I already was. (sarcasm)

~Sly Has Spoken~

Image copyright juliahenze