Monday, July 22, 2019

ContraPoints will change — opinion from a MtF who de-transitioned

He brings up narcissism, and it strikes me that a lot of TRA’s are extremely narcissistic. They go into a tailspin and become extremely unpleasant whenever anyone expresses an opinion different from their own, whether that person says something literally intolerant such as “transgender people are sick disgusting abominations who are going straight to hell for their deviant behavior” or the person says something dissenting from the belief that there are lady brains and man brains and that instead there are two sexes but gender is on a spectrum. In other words, a person in a male body can present with stereotypically feminine characteristics but still absolutely be a male, and vice versa. Both of these people with differing viewpoints are going to be branded TERFs and quite possibly threatened with statements like “choke on my ladydick” or “I punch terfs.”

The narrator in the video discusses autogynephilia, a topic which absolutely raises the TRA hackles. Because the topic is forbidden, the issue is misunderstood if it is acknowledged at all. 

I would surmise that only men can have autogynephilia. I have never heard of a woman getting turned on simply by being a woman, and I really have never heard of a woman getting turned on by thinking of herself as a man. It would seem that most FTM transitioners want to escape the persecution that women face as second-class citizens. They aren’t especially turned on by the idea of themselves with a penis. In other words, if autoandrophilia exists, it is much less common than autogynephilia.

Returning to the subject of narcissism in TRAs, I have noticed that the transgender women who are rational about the realities of transitioning, i.e., you can’t literally change your sex, you can only change your appearance to more closely resemble that of your preferred sex, tend to be much more humble in their approach. This is not to say that they lack confidence. I think that Miranda Yardley, for instance, is very confident in who she is. However, she displays a much greater emotional maturity than the TRA who insists that if you don’t believe that trans women are literally women and if you think that lesbians should be allowed to choose their sexual partners and their choice of sexual partners does not have to include people with a penis, you are a TERF!!11!!!

TERF is feminazi covered in glitter. It is a term used to silence women who have the temerity not to agree with the TRA agenda.

Again, TRAs also like to shut down transgender people who understand biological reality, to shut down detransitioners, and to shut down anyone who refuses to be a good little minion of the TRA cult. 

I do not have a problem with trans people.

I have a lot of problems with TRAs.

I left these thoughts for the narrator:
Thank you for your insights. It's good to have some rational voices surrounding an issue which has sunk into the mire of groupthink. Anyone who dares question the TRA agenda in any fashion tends to be shouted down. This is a complex issue and demanding black and white thinking is erroneous and, ultimately, harmful to young people who may be questioning their identity. Yours is that rare and welcome voice of reason.

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