Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Inexcusable Regardless of Gender Identity

Sexual predator Jonathan/Jessica Yaniv

This is a response to an article at Feminist Current by Graham Linehan.

Even if you are the sort of person who 100% believes that "trans women are women," how do you excuse the predatory behavior of JY towards young girls? Being transgender does not excuse being a child molester. These people are beyond the pale and off the rails.
Thank you for bringing this story to light. Awful though it is, it needs to be seen. Stories like this need to be seen until even the biggest deniers of reality can't ignore the worst of the worst.
Granted, some people's ability to deny reality is extremely strong, and it could take a long time.
A few years back, I was a not-so-young person believing I was protecting the "most vulnerable" by parroting the TRA screed that trans women are women and feminism needs to be inclusive of them. However, once I saw how out of hand the violent "punch a TERF" rhetoric was becoming, I looked deeper and realized that the TRA movement is not about "live and let live." It's about TRAs taking over feminism and silencing women. That cannot be permitted.

Being transgender does not excuse predatory behavior.
These are all screenshots of tweets sent by JY, collected by

I can 1000% say that I never asked a stranger in a bathroom how to put a pad on as a preteen girl. This sick freak is asking these fucked-up questions to get off. Nobody who isn't a fucking predator would be asking this shit.
Again, regardless of whether one believes that trans women are absolutely 100% women or not even if they still have a penis, how the fuck do you excuse this shit?
This is a predator.
Being trans is not a pass for being a predator or any other illegal, fucked-up behavior.

~Sly Has Spoken~

Image copyright juliahenze

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