Saturday, May 19, 2018

New Blow For Reproductive Rights

"Trump to deny funds for clinics that refer for abortion."
Because we all know what President Pussy Grabber thinks women's lives are worth.
There are more reasons for abortion than unwanted pregnancy.
There are more types of unwanted pregnancy than "promiscuous hussy getting busy with every dude in town," which is what the anti-choice lot tries to convince everyone that abortion is all about across the board.
The anti-choice lot always depicts abortion as being the straight-up murder of a fully formed, adorable, healthy white baby.
Let's just say for a minute that the anti-choicers are right. There are no other reasons for abortion than Promiscuous Hussies wanting to get down but not wanting to pay the piper for their Promiscuous Hussying.
The simple answer would seem to be providing birth control to reduce the number of abortions.
Nope! Providing birth control is giving a de facto thumbs up to Promiscuous Hussying.
So, let's take away all reproductive rights, like the GOP wants to do.
Are the anti-choicers going to adopt all the unwanted babies?
Yeah--we saw how that worked out in Romania under the rule of Nicolae CeauΘ™escu.
Speaking of Nicolae CeauΘ™escu, here is a passage from Wikipedia to ruminate on.
"His secret police, the Securitate, was responsible for mass surveillance as well as severe repression and human rights abuses within the country, and he suppressed and controlled the media and press, implementing methods that were among the harshest, most restrictive and brutal in the world. Economic mismanagement due to failed oil ventures during the 1970s led to skyrocketing foreign debts for Romania; in 1982, he exported much of the country's agricultural and industrial production in an effort to repay them. The shortages that followed drastically lowered living standards, leading to heavy rationing of food, water, oil, heat, electricity, medicine, and other necessities. His cult of personality experienced unprecedented elevation, followed by extensive nepotism and the intense deterioration of foreign relations, even with the Soviet Union."
A despot is a despot is a despot.
The truth is, I honestly don't think that Lord Dampnut gives a rip about abortion one way or another. I think he is kissing the asses of those who elected him and is doing what his puppet masters command. He hasn't got two working brain cells to rub together. His masters let him have his Twitter. He makes an ass of himself, which distracts people from what the evil slimeballs behind the scenes are actually up to.
Now this:
Kristan Hawkins of Students for Life of America said, "Abortion is not health care or birth control and many women want natural health care choices, rather than hormone-induced changes."
I've read over this several times. I'm not sure what the hell it even means.
That abortion should not be used as a primary form of birth control is accurate. Whether done as a surgical procedure or via a medication which promotes miscarriage, it is hard on the body. Saying that it is not a form of health care is, however, inaccurate. Once again, the anti-choice lot depicts all abortions as being the same kind and for the same reason. Abortions performed after the first trimester tend to be done because of severe defects in the fetus. According to these people, removal of an ectopic pregnancy would be an abortion. To allow an ectopic pregnancy to continue would kill the mother. So, tell me how removing an ectopic pregnancy or ending an unviable pregnancy isn't health care.
"Many women want natural health care choices rather than hormone-induced changes."
I was never able to take birth control pills because the "hormone-induced changes" put me right out of my head. Is she speaking against birth control pills or abortion here? Yes, there is an abortion method which involves taking a pill that temporarily alters the body's hormonal balance, but there are other methods of abortion as well. A D&C does not involve "hormone-induced changes." Does this mean it is a natural health care choice? I'm really not sure what the hell this woman is talking about.
I am a post-menopausal woman who is making the choice to have my reproductive organs removed because of endometrial hyperplasia. I don't want to take hormones because of the risks inherent in doing so. However, I honestly don't think that having my reproductive organs removed is a "natural health care choice." It is simply the form of treatment that makes the most sense to me because I don't want to take hormones for the rest of my life, I don't want to have to have a D&C every year, and I don't think it's wise to keep an organ which is in a pre-cancerous state. So, I'm opting to have the organ removed, but I don't think that's a particularly natural choice.
I could scratch a hole in my head trying to figure this woman's inane statement out.
In any case, one does not need to be "pro-abortion" to realize that the stripping away of reproductive rights leads to disaster. I have always been opposed to abortion on a personal level, but on a political level I realize that unhindered reproductive rights are a necessity.
I also realize that abortion is a complicated issue and it is not for me to decide what is right for another person.
Even in my own case, what was right for me in the past wouldn't be right now.
If, by some heinous twist of fate I were to be sexually assaulted and somehow conceive a child, at this point in my life it would be disastrous for me to carry that pregnancy to term. I am over 50 and have multiple health problems. I do not have the financial means to care for a child at this point. I do not even have the financial means to care for the cats that I took in years ago when I did have the means to care for them. 
There are so many things wrong with curtailing reproductive rights to this degree.
This isn't about the well-being of the adorable, healthy, full-term, white babies that the anti-choice faction think are being murdered by abortion-having hussies.
It is about controlling women.
It is odious.
I would expect nothing less from the party that would just as soon take away a woman's right to work and would like to see the world return to a time when a woman was either her father's or her husband's property.

~Sly Has Spoken~

Image copyright juliahenze @123rf

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