Friday, February 22, 2019

Children of the Sex Trade Documentary

Can we please stop pretending that prostitution is a "victimless crime" and "empowering to women?"
The Left has a real problem with wanting to appear "sexually liberated," to say that there is nothing wrong with "sex work" and that anyone who is critical of the sex industry is nothing but a big nasty old SWERF.
While it is true that there are some people who make and sell independent videos featuring themselves, possibly performing solo, possibly with partners, and these people are all consenting adults who are enjoying themselves and are not being coerced in any way, these individuals are in the minority. I am not talking about these people.
The majority of the "sex industry" is made up of trafficked persons who are not having a swinging old time making money having free-wheeling, happy-go-lucky sex. Many of these trafficked persons are children.
Stop defending the rights of punters/johns to buy sex without fear of repercussion. Studies have shown that "sex workers" in places that have legalized prostitution across the board are treated reprehensibly by buyers and not protected by law enforcement.
The Nordic Model is a better approach. It protects trafficked persons from being punished for prostitution while punishing those who purchase sex.
The "Happy Hooker" is a myth. The majority of people forced into "sex work" by economic circumstance or by other people are far from happy.

~Sly Has Spoken~

Image copyright juliahenze
purchased from

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