Saturday, February 29, 2020

Blow Your Stack Saturday: Indoctrinate 'Em Early

This is a response to a post on Transgender Trend. They discuss the ways in which the British public school system works on indoctrinating kids into the Trans Cult starting in primary school. It is well worth the read. I have chosen a few special gems from the rhetoric being taught to today's kids.

"the things we call female produce eggs and get pregnant, while the things we call male produce sperm and don’t get pregnant."
The things we call female and the things we call male.
Not even animals, beings, or creatures, but things.
I'm screaming.

Barnados tells children that “Gender is assigned at birth, depending on biological characteristics."
For most people, "gender" is not assigned at birth. Sex is observed at birth.
Terms like "assigned male at birth" or "assigned female at birth" apply to babies with intersex conditions. 

The confusion between "sex" and "gender" is perpetuating the current insanity.

"Unplanned pregnancies can occur if penis-in-vagina sex happens where the penis ejaculates sperm, and the person with the vagina also has a womb.”


The way this sentence reads, it appears that a disembodied, independently functioning penis is penetrating a "person with a vagina". Let's hope that this interlude was consensual.

“Cisgender: Someone who is male and happy being a boy or a female who is happy being a girl.”

I wasn't particularly happy being a girl, and sometimes I'm not particularly happy being a woman, but this doesn't mean I'm a man or want to be a man. It means I didn't like the way girls are belittled and sexualized and I don't like the way women are belittled and sexualized. I have been oppressed and exploited because I am "one of those things we call female." I don't like that. Why is this a surprise?

Maybe the princess boy just feels like a boy who likes to wear dresses.

Homosexual, gender-nonconforming, and even dysphoric kids really lose out in this scenario. The only ones who win are those interested in creating lifelong patients by pushing puberty blockers, hormones, and potentially debilitating surgeries. 

~Sly Has Blown Her Stack~

Image copyright juliahenze

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