Wednesday, March 18, 2020

WTF Wednesday: There Are No Rewards for Being a Handmaiden

I fell into the same trap. I said to myself "well, what could it hurt to refer to myself as cis? After all, trans people have a much harder battle than I do. They just want to be included, to be normalized." But more and more I saw that wasn't what they wanted. They wanted the entire narrative to revolve around them.

I would see signs proclaiming "trans women are women." I started to wonder why there were never any signs proclaiming "trans men are men."

The trans rights activists were saying that medical terms for female anatomy were "violence against trans women." Meanwhile, trans women were carrying baseball bats and wearing t-shirts with slogans such as "punch a TERF" and "die cis scum." In the UK, Posey Parker was detained by police for "hate speech." This "hate speech" was the phrase "woman = adult human female." I have never heard of any trans person being detained for expressing a desire to "punch a TERF."

None of this sat well with me. I believe the last straw was when I saw women being referred to as "menstruators" and "non-men."

Now I see trans women claiming that the hormones they take are making them "have periods." They are not having a period. A period involves the expulsion of the endometrial lining from the uterus. That is what a period is. I have been TERFed for saying this.

As a writer myself, I was once scolded for referring to trans people in a perfectly neutral fashion. I wanted to modernize a story I wrote in which a voodoo priestess does a spell to change the sexes of the attendees of a frat party who sexually abused her niece. Rather than simply saying "so and so woke up and screamed in horror to discover that he was now a girl," I had the local doctor wondering at the sudden rash of gender reassignment surgeries on the college campus. Since I had the audacity to mention trans women in a neutral fashion rather than the most glowing terms, I was jumped on by commenters. I said "fine, I'm changing the ending back to 'it's magic, I don't have to explain shit.'"

The trans cult has gotten way out of hand. A trans woman could claim that the key to immortality was to chop up your neighbors and bathe in their blood, and everyone would say "Oh, she's so BRAVE!" No-one even questions how screwed up many of the things the "queer" and trans communities are pushing are.

~Sly Has Spoken~

Image copyright juliahenze

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