Saturday, May 15, 2021

Sly's Feminist Poetry: It's A Sick, Sad World


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

All around me are the indoctrinated
Catechized places, brainwashed faces
Hating the liberals and non-white races
Going nowhere, going nowhere

Rage fills their eyes behind their glasses
Hateful expression, disdainful expression
Hide my head, it fills me with sorrow
I fear for tomorrow, I fear for tomorrow

It isn't very funny
It makes me pretty sad
The American dream lays dying
Replaced with something bad
Cheeto Stalin has something to sell you
He thinks all news is fake
His devotees run in circles
It's a sick, sad world
A sick, sad world

Children waiting for the day they feel good
In a world of rigid ideals based on their sex
That tell them to be stereotypes of what a boy or girl should
Indoctrination, indoctrination

Some kids don't check the boxes, they're shy and nervous
Their parents misconstrue them, counselors undo them
That they were made wrong is their earliest lesson
Docs prescribe drugs to undo them, surgeons cut and reskew them

I don't think it's very funny
I think it's pretty sad
Gender fundamentalists say kids are dying
If a sex change isn't had
I once fell for gender doctrine
But it really takes the cake
When doctors give puberty blockers to healthy children
It's a sick, sad world, a sick, sad world

Both the left and right are off their rocker
It's a sick, sad world


you're gonna need the notes
To sum things up:
Biden is doing a better job than I expected him to do. I knew that he couldn't be worse than tRump (it's pretty hard to be worse than that), but he's worked hard and made excellent progress.

I was appalled by the January 6 insurrection and disgusted that its ringleader, tRumpty Dumpty, is not yet in prison. I rather fear that he never will be.

I vehemently disagree with President Biden and with anyone else parroting gender theory unexamined and unchecked. I'm a live and let live kind of person. Transgender people deserve the same civil rights as anyone else. However, something has gone badly amiss, and no one is benefiting from it but big pharma and the medical-industrial complex.

There have always been gender-nonconforming people, but sex reassignment surgery was a relatively rare phenomenon and was only performed on adults. In Abigail Shrier's book "Irreversible Damage," transman Buck Angel discusses the process that he went through in order to transition, including extensive counseling and psychological assessment. 

A transgender person such as Buck Angel experiences extreme dysphoria regarding their biological sex. In Buck's case, taking steps to make his feminine body appear masculine helped alleviate his crippling dysphoria. Buck acknowledges and has honestly discussed the fact that he is biologically female and has shared his wisdom for other transmen to benefit from. 

I do not have a problem with Buck Angel or Caitlyn Jenner. They are adults who have taken what they feel are necessary steps to alleviate their dysphoria. I have no issue with using their chosen pronouns. Live and let live.

The problem is that no one is allowed to discuss the possible pitfalls with gender transition or they run the risk of being bullied and threatened, including physically. Gender ideology is a cult. If anyone expresses critical thoughts about prescribing puberty blockers and surgery to vulnerable children or troubled adolescents, one is shouted down as a "transphobe" or TERF (trans-exclusionary radical feminist.)

If one dares to take exception to misogynistic and dehumanizing terms such as birthing parents, chestfeeders, cervix havers, front hole havers, menstruators, non-men, or uterus havers, one is shouted down as a TERF. While there are references to "non-birthing parents," no one refers to men as penis-havers, prostate-havers, or sperm producers. Women are bullied for protesting the loss of female-specific terms to describe our lived experiences.

If one dares suggest that male-bodied people do not belong on women's sports teams because of their unfair physical advantages, that person is dismissed and branded a TERF. This recently happened to Caitlyn Jenner, who, as most people know, is an award-winning Olympic athlete who competed for the USA men's team prior to transition. Jenner's thoughts on the matter are sensible, but she is being written off as a "traitor" for expressing them rather than falling in line with gender fundamentalism.

Perhaps most sinister is the rise in childhood transition. Drugs such as puberty blockers are known to promote issues such as early-onset osteoporosis. Adolescent girls are having their healthy breasts removed. I do not believe that children and adolescents should be prescribed these drugs or given these surgeries. Guess what happens to anyone who expresses that opinion.

Transgenderism is a complex issue, and I find it sinister that it is impossible to discuss it without being bullied, berated, and threatened. In this case, it is the left rather than the right who are behaving in an unenlightened, fascist manner.

I leave you with links to books that address the subjects of childhood transition (of girls in particular) and the silencing of women critical of the current trend.

A banner from the now-defunct Gender Critical Feminism Reddit, which was removed for "hate speech." 
"Hate speech" means expressing opinions critical of transing children and silencing women.

Sick, Sad World was an infotainment program from the television show "Daria."

Day 26: Write a (Blank) World Poem

Day 26: Write a parody poem
The work parodied is the 1982 song Mad World, written by Roland Orzibal and performed by Tears for Fears.

Write a "disappointment" poem

The Icky, Sticky, Nit-Picky Legalese If You Please (Or Don't Please)

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