Saturday, July 2, 2022

Blow Your Stack Saturday: Blithering Nonsense in Sex Miseducation


Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

It won't be pretty when society reaps the harvest of the Gender Clown Sex Education being taught in school these days. An entire generation of children is learning unrealistic nonsense about how bodies work. 

They are being taught that people can change their biological sex, that some girls have penises and some boys have vaginas. They are being taught that men can have periods and give birth. None of this is true. 

Children are being taught to ignore their eyes and ears, to ignore their feelings about creepy adults. Girl Guiding in England was raked over the coals for allowing a male with Magical Laydeefeelz to be camp counselors and sleep in a cabin with prepubescent girls. They did not inform the parents ahead of time that Aunt Milton was going to be in the cabin with the girls.

Children are being encouraged to celebrate kink. Kids have no business knowing what a "furry" is, let alone proclaiming themselves to be "furries."

The name Peter Tatchell immediately raises red flags for me. If it doesn't for you, this is the guy who said that nine-year-old children can consent to sex. Hope it does now. Peter Tatchell has no business teaching children about sex.

Day 1: Contrary to legislation a #Cambridgeshire school has responded “it is not viable to provide copies of all curriculum materials to parents” to being asked to share resources.

Day 2: Again a refusal to share materials with parents on request, this time school in north of England. ‘Copyright’ was given as the excuse this time. As has been confirmed in today’s #RSEDebate this is incorrect.

Day 3: A school in the south of England has invited the school of sexuality in to discuss pleasure & make playdough vaginas with year 8 girls. They are denying to parents that they have the right to withdraw their children from these lessons. #SafeguardingFail #RSEDebate #PSHE

Day 4: Again south of England a school arranged a dress up for #pride Day & bring in donations for the controversial educate & celebrate charity, led by the even more controversial Peter Tatchell. Yr 8’a were seen wearing cats ears and saying they were furries. #SafeguardingFail

Day 5: A primary school in England told small children men can have babies too. They have not even responded to parental emails of complaint. #SafeguardingFail #PSHEPeeps #PrimaryRocks

Day 6: School in south of England has organised a residential for yr 9’s with mixed sex overnight accommodation. Again ignoring parental complaints. #SafeguardingFail #edutwitter #WomenEd

Day 7: Again south of England (they’re not doing well this week) a college thinks they have the right to refuse to correspond with parents of a 16 year old, bizarrely they also think they can refuse to take a formal complaint about this undermining of Parental responsibility.

Sly Sez:

When I was 11 years old, my art teacher was one of the instructors for the health education program. 

She did not have us make play-doh vaginas. We discussed menstruation in a very sensible, clinical fashion. We discussed pregnancy. We also discussed how boys might try to pressure us into sex and that it was our right to say no if we weren't ready. We discussed contraception. Everything was quite age-appropriate, and I think we all benefited from it. 

I told the other girls about my second cousin's molar pregnancy (I didn't know that's what it was called at the time) and how she had to get a hysterectomy. There was no discussion of how "men can have periods" or how "people with vaginas can get pregnant if they have sex with people with penises." It was very common sense.

We have regressed since 1976 and been transported to Crazy World.

Sex education is being made hypersexual.

None of this will end well.

~Sly Has Spoken~

Stock image by Julia Henze
Purchased from

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