Thursday, February 16, 2017

Sly Says: Just Stuff A Rag In Your Bloomers, Ladies

You can't make this shit up.
Some wit commented thusy on this article:
"Both tampons and pads are a little over 100 years old. Before then, for thousands of years, women found other ways to deal with the issue. They could use those old methods today. So, tampons and pads are a choice."
To which I responded:
Great plan. Women could just stuff a towel in their bloomers while menstruating. Modern toilet paper is also a fairly recent invention. We could go back to using pages torn from a catalog to wipe after doing our business in the outhouse. Or we could do as the Romans did and use a sponge on a stick in a public lavatory where one did one's business right next to one's neighbor. Said sponge would then be rinsed off for the next person to use. Or we could roll things even further back and squat in a field to do our duty, and then wipe with leaves.
Sound inconvenient and unsanitary? Well, so is walking around with a literal rag that has no adhesive stuffed in your underwear. You can't get much of anything done for fear that the damn thing may slip out of place. This method would be particularly problematic for a person who has very heavy periods.
My guess would be that you are a person who doesn't have to deal with the issue of menstruation. You would also seem to be a person who doesn't give much thought to how things affect other people. Try walking around with a wet rag stuffed in your underpants for a day and tell us all how convenient it is to use the "old methods" for dealing with menstruation.

~Sly Has Spoken~


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