Saturday, February 4, 2017

Sly Works Devil Vagina Magic


Apparently, also OOOGY BOOGY!!!

Aw, and here I thought the Satanic Panics were a thing of the past. 
They're still here, but back in the day when I was young, dinosaurs and rock musicians were their target. Now it's women. Evil, evil women.
Well, actually these types have always targeted women. But for a while their focus shifted just a little to dinosaurs and rock music.

"The religious right was none too pleased at the Women’s March. That was no surprise. But the vehemence of their reaction was staggering, even to this longtime religious right watcher. Apparently, standing up for women being respected and not objectified is a sign that you’re under the influence of either witchcraft or demons. How is that possible? Well, according to one religious right luminary, ANY opposition to the Donald is a sign you’re being influenced by the devil."

Click the link for more fun!

According to the mindset of these asshats, I was doing the devil's work back when I was a youngun in the 1980s and played that devil rock and roll music. 

Then, to make matters even more diabolical, I went to one of those musical devil ceremonies, and when a certain short man dressed in a schoolboy suit came out onstage, I shouted "WORK IT, ANGUS!" in hopes of making him drop trou. My evil devil magic worked, I tell you, because halfway through the show, he obeyed my command.

It looked a little bit something like this

I often sit in my Feminazi lair doing the devil's work to this very day, standing up for equality AND listening to devil music. Because we women, with our devil vagina magic, can multitask! And sadly, it appears that there will always be idiots to fight.

~Sly Has Spoken~

Image by

Sly's Devil Vagina Magic Part Deux:
Trivia Time!

This is the Australian cover for the Highway to Hell album, which was Banned in the U.S. because apparently we have too many bible thumpers here who don't understand hyperbole and would have peed their pants if they saw this.

Here are some shockingly unscary out-takes from the photo shoot for the album cover. Because, surprisingly enough, these fellows were not actually particularly scary people.

Here is a shockingly tender photo of Angus Young being surprisingly not evil and gently guiding and caring for his very sick older brother. Because, shockingly enough, as Angus himself once said, while he may sometimes wear black underwear, he doesn't actually do blood sacrifices, and the real Satan is intolerance.

Sly realizes that she's gone off on a bit of a tangent and is now referring to herself in third person, but there is, in fact, a method to the madness. We have here in this snarky mini-history written by Sly proof that hate, intolerance, and extremism are a bad idea in any era and we really should examine these ideas, ridicule them, and put a stop to them.


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