Sunday, November 24, 2019

What the Left Refuses to Acknowledge

A response to this article:

"he was never the bearer of a virus, which implies something alien"

The Left refuses to acknowledge that a lot of men, including "progressive" men, want to BE this sonofabitch. They want to be the corrupt, gloating, xenophobic, pussy-grabbing, philandering bully. They want to be adulated and to have the money not to care when people call them out for their deplorable actions. They want to be the Big Man.

The Left is not as pure as it likes to proclaim. Hugh Hefner was not a conservative. Many so-called "progressives" would be perfectly happy to relegate those they see as lower than themselves to permanent serfdom. There are no few "progressive" men who, though they may proclaim that they don't want women confined to the kitchen barefoot and pregnant, want their trophy wives and support full legalization of prostitution although studies of the countries that have fully legalized prostitution show that doing so benefits punters rather than prostitutes. 

The liberal "feminist" women who loudly proclaim that "sex work is work" refuse to examine the obvious problems with human trafficking and refuse to see that most work does not involve allowing strange men to use one's private parts for their pleasure. The Left has a problem with not wanting to see what is right in front of its nose. Rather than examining uncomfortable truths, they shout down anyone with a dissenting opinion, labeling them a "SWERF" or a "TERF."

The extreme right being patently awful does not mean that the regressive left is wonderful, a proclamation which is but one of the logical fallacies that those among the regressive left love to cling to. Identity politics is a mired, unexamined mess rife with individuals thinking that if they scream their insults loudly enough, reality will just go away. Anyone who has an opinion differing from the very loud SEX WORK IS WORK! TRANS WOMEN ARE WOMEN! screed is not just a person who disagrees with one's position, they are the ENEMY and must BE DESTROYED! 

The Reactionary Right

I dunnow...the guy holding up the Fag University sign looks like he might just be daydreaming about attending Fag University. Maybe he's not one of the protesters. He might be there promoting a gay sex club.

The Regressive Left

"Sex work is empowering."
"Trans women are women." 
(Never any outraged signs proclaiming that trans men are men.)
"Violent rhetoric isn't violent as long as you slap 'swerf', 'terf,' or 'white' in front of your violent rhetoric."

Part of the Problem:
This genius, and everyone who believes this foolishness without question

As long as the Left is more interested in slapping labels on people than in examining problems with the current (regressive) progressive agenda, there is more than a small chance that if Trump is not impeached, he will be re-elected in 2020. If not Trump, then another awful reactionary stands a good chance of taking the presidency; someone who adheres to many of the same terrible ideas as Trump but is competent enough to enact them.

The Left needs to back away from the identity politics and the foolish slogans and focus on actual solutions to resolve poverty and homelessness, to make health care available to everyone, to lower housing costs, and to create jobs and a living wage. We need to bring the manufacture of U.S. products back to the United States. The Left also needs to acknowledge its classism and elitism. Hillary Clinton was perceived as being both classist and elitist. Even though Trump is obviously both of those things, he managed to use Clinton's seemingly snobby attitudes regarding blue-collar workers to his advantage.

Instead of screeching that anyone who had a problem with Hillary Clinton was a sexist (and yes, there was sexism involved in people's perceptions of her), the wise course of action would be to table the sexism accusations and instead focus on her other attributes as a candidate. The Left needs a candidate who cares about the "unsexy" people, the blue-collar workers, the stay-at-home mothers, the farmers, the service workers, the elderly, the disabled. Drop the identity politics and get to the core of the problem. The rest can be worked out when everyone has their basic needs taken care of.

The Left needs a candidate who says: "I care about getting your basic needs taken care of," not one who caters to vocal and problematic fringe groups with cultlike behaviors.

Acknowledging the problems with the Left is not the same thing as being a reactionary. I am very much a liberal with live-and-let-live attitudes. But when the so-called "progressives" want me to die because I refuse to kowtow to their, frankly, insane screed, to shut up and toe the line or suffer emotional and possibly physical attacks, I am not going to stand by and support their behavior.

I am not going to stand silent and support the destruction of freedoms that I have fought for without a fight, and I will not support any candidate who enables the destruction of these freedoms, even if said candidate is touting her or himself as The Biggest Liberal Of Them All.

~Sly Has Spoken~

Image copyright juliahenze

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