Saturday, November 2, 2019

When Libfems Seek Woke Points from TRAs

When a blog that I follow for totally non-political reasons (a writing prompts blog, to be precise) decides to try and get WOKE!!!!111!! points by trumpeting that TRANS WOMEN ARE WOMEN!!!!11!!!

Sister, those trans women you’re trying to sway into thinking that you’re just the most perfectest wittle ally would whip out their girl-dicks and piss on you as soon as look at you. All of your panderings will never be good enough. One of these days, you will slip up and say something that doesn’t quite kiss their ass from just the right angle, and then they will turn on you like they turn on everyone who disagrees with them even slightly, including other trans people.

I used to try and show the TRAs what a good wittle Wokey-Woke ally I was too. Because, after all, who in this world has it worse than trans women? I thought their insisting that XX women call ourselves “cis” was a little strange, but, okay, I agreed to do it because, after all, I haven’t had to endure the oppression they have, or so they say. I mean, it would be hard to be dysphoric, so I can give them that concession.

Then when they insisted on bellowing that TRANS WOMEN ARE WOMEN, I stood up for them. Yeah, trans women are women! We women need to embrace our trans sisters!

Then the cracks started to show.

Why weren’t we also insisting that trans men are men?

Don’t trans men matter?

Then there was the cotton ceiling. And the insistence that “biological sex is a social construct.” And the belligerent insistence that we should transition any child who doesn’t adhere to the “little girls love pink, wear frilly dresses and play with dolls, while little boys love blue, wear pants, and play with trucks” gender stereotypes.

And when I said, “excuse me, but we have been trying to deconstruct these stereotypes for decades...”


I was a TERF.

It will happen to you too, quick as a flash, no matter how hard you virtue signal.

Because TRAs hate women, even women who bow down and kiss their asses.

If you disagree with them even the teeniest bit, you will learn the hard way.

Just sayin’.

~Sly Has Spoken~

Image copyright juliahenze

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