Thursday, June 30, 2022

FOAD Thursday: Disney Plus can FOAD


Image copyright Disney

I am so tired of seeing breast binding and worse, double mastectomy being performed on psychologically vulnerable teenage girls, being normalized. 

The Twanz Cult would have you believe that people like me want the right to ridicule gender-confused teenagers. Far from it. Nobody should be doing that. What these girls need and deserve is a compassionate adult who will hear them out and give them coping tools, not an ideologically captured shill for the childhood Tran$ition Brigade. 

I was not gender-confused, but I was psychologically troubled as a teenager. I had an eating disorder. I was cutting and I had nobody I could turn to because the one time I trusted the school counselor and showed her the cuts on my arms, she immediately called my mother even though I begged her not to. Of course when I got home I got yelled at and got no help, which is what I knew would happen. I was eventually put in a psych hospital for a time and treated like a sub-human. This is why I don't necessarily advocate for revealing everything to parents. Sometimes it makes things worse. 

I just wonder how many of these transboys are being bullied and/or have been sexually harassed or sexually assaulted. I was bullied mercilessly all through school because I was socially awkward and not pretty. I was sexually assaulted by an older guy when I was 15 but didn't acknowledge it as sexual assault because the penetration was digital, not PIV. It took me 40 years to realize that my self-harm and other acting out got turned up to 11 after that incident because I was suffering from PTSD.

There is no such thing as a man who menstruates, and cutting off a teenage girl's healthy breasts will not make psychological comorbidities or events creating a climate for complex PTSD disappear.

And now, please excuse me while I go cancel my Disney Plus subscription. I've been meaning to do so for a while. This is the kick in the ass that I need.

Here is the reason that I gave Disney Plus for why I was canceling my subscription.

I cannot continue to support a company that has been ideologically captured by the extremist gender cult. The episode of Baymax promoting the idea that "men have periods" was the last straw. Recognizing biological reality is not bigotry, and transgender ideology should not be pushed at children. 

I am not a right-wing extremist. I am a registered Democrat who believes in equality for all. Promoting a dangerous ideology that reinforces sex stereotypes and encourages young girls to take cross-sex hormones and have their healthy breasts removed is not equality. 

Aside from that, the subscription is simply too expensive. I live on disability payments. I have felt conflicted about having this subscription for a while, but I'm definitely done now.

~Sly Has Spoken~

Stock image by Julia Henze
Purchased from

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