Wednesday, June 29, 2022

WTF Wednesday with Sly: Time to Take off the Blinders (and binders)


The winner of the Women's Skateboarding Competition is Shiloh Caton.
Ricci Tres is male.

The following is a response to a recent post from Women are Human.

I am a 57-year-old former nurse who identifies as a writer. I have never won a literary competition against others in my age group. Therefore, I have decided to identify as a 6-year-old. I will now whup the snot out of all the other writers in the early elementary school writing competition!

I'm sure nobody would ever allow this. I would be told to "pack it up and go home, Grandma," by those running the grade school writing competition. That's as it should be. Sure, I have ADHD, which qualifies as a learning disability, but intellectually I am on par with other adults and should be competing against other adults.

Males are physically stronger than females. This includes males who have found their inner Shania and so Man, they feel like a Woman. It doesn't matter how long they have been taking cross-sex hormones. 

It was amusing to see the Trans Cult hold Caitlyn Jenner up as an icon until Caitlyn, who won Olympic gold as Bruce, acknowledged biological reality and stated that transwomen, aka biological males, should not compete against biological females. Then the Trans Cult displayed how quick they are to pile on anyone who disagrees with them in any way, including transsexuals. 

I think most people who are trying to "be kind" really have no idea what's going on. They believe they are fighting against a bunch of religious right meany-means desiring open season to call transsexuals freaks and deprive them of basic human rights. What's really going on is sexual stereotypes being reframed as progressive. However, now instead of telling feminine men to "stop being sissies" or butch women to be more feminine, the script says feminine men should take female hormones and have their testicles removed and their penises inverted while masculine women need to have their healthy breasts removed and a phallus created from skin and muscle harvested from the arm or thigh. 

As if it could get worse, this whackadoodie bill of goods isn't just being sold to gender dysphoric adults. It's being pushed on vulnerable, gender-confused kids. Research shows that many of the girls who present with ROGD are on the autism spectrum and have psychological comorbidities that are being ignored in favor of the Happy Rainbow Teetus Deletus. Every so-called medical professional involved in "transitioning" children should be held accountable for medical malpractice. Sadly, I doubt this will happen.

~Sly Has Spoken~

Stock image by Julia Henze
Purchased from

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